Showing posts with label Adult Swim Message Board. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adult Swim Message Board. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cartoon Sunday: Foamy The Squirrel Rants About Bullies

How's it going my gumdrops? Yesterday, you may recall that I mentioned last week being rough both on and offline. In regards to cyber space, an Adult Swim poster "peacefully" died in his sleep, during the middle of last week. Some of his friends and other posters have been grieving over his death, whereas some choose to be malicious.

In fact, my number 1 slanderer on Adult Swim went as far as to name drop a racist troll, that he claims the dead poster was supposedly friends with. I don't know if that is really true, considering that it's coming from a slanderous poster, who continues to slander me on Adult Swim. When that dead poster was still alive last year, my slanderer called him "an asshole." Therefore, it's a matter of considering the source, which happens to be a highly glorified slanderer and megalomaniac with a God Complex.

This is along with the fact, that same glorified slanderer continues to down vote troll me and other Adult Swim posters. In case you have NOT already, I suggest reading last year's blog about why you should not join Adult Swim.

Why You Should NOT Join Adult Swim's Message Board

Since we're on the topic of Adult Swim, it has been confirmed that a new Seinen SciFi Action Anime called Dimension W will be replacing Akame ga Kill! on the network.

Toonami's Dimension W Promo (2016)

It will premiere next Saturday at 11:30 pm Central, which is right before Parasyte -The Maxim-. Right now, I cannot comment on Dimension W because I have not watched an episode of the series. However, the promo makes it appear to be interesting.

I just hope this new show is NOT complete hype. Adult Swim is skilled at pandering to a certain group of fans, which are Action Anime fans. I have said it before and will say it again, there is more to Japanese animation than Action Anime.

Hopefully, it's something worth watching because I really do NOT like every Action Anime Adult Swim airs. They have always been a hit or miss, whenever it came to airing shows in general. As of right now, I only know that Dimension W is being simulcasted both in Japan and here in the United States on Adult Swim. The series premiered in Japan on January 10, 2016 and it will premiere on Adult Swim on February 27th.

Since today's blog is mostly about Adult Swim, let's return to a previous topic. Earlier, I mentioned that I was being slandered on Adult Swim's forum by the same poster, who continuously down vote trolls me and shat in a dead poster's memorial thread.

That exact same poster is someone, who pretended to be my friend, when I originally joined Adult Swim nearly 2 years ago.

Last year, that Adult Swim poster was also a member of my website. After I removed him TWICE for lying, backstabbing, selling me out to his crazy so-called "friend" at the time, and getting me banned on Adult Swim, he attacked me through my contact submissions form and made libelous claims about me being another poster he's had problems with in the past.

My frenemy knows it's a bald face lie yet he continues to slander me around Adult Swim.

The worst part is that Adult Swim's moderators condone his trolling and slandering; There's mostly social politics on the network's message board, which is why so many have left. That's not including suicidal posters.

As much as I hate to say it, posters who know the truth and choose NOT to confront him about slandering me are just as guilty as he is. Some do want me to stay on Adult Swim but they don't act like it. If they did, they would show it.

Continuously slandering and anonymously down voting an adult poster on Adult Swim's forum is a perfect example of adult cyber bullying/trolling. Speaking of bullies, I have another Foamy The Squirrel short. In this short, Foamy The Squirrel rants about school bullies and gives unorthodox strategies about how to handle bullying.

Foamy The Squirrel: Bullies Rant (2011)

Thank you my gumdrops! Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, +1 on Google Plus, and leave your feedback in the comments section below! 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Why You Should NOT Join Adult Swim's Message Board

How's it going my gumdrops? I meant to post another blog on Blogger much sooner, but I have been extremely busy with my own website, It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns. This is along with juggling my online presence on several other sites. Adult Swim is only naming 1 example.

Most of my friends/subscribers on facebook, Blogster, and Horror-Punks already know, that I have been a poster on Adult Swim, since last August. Some have considered joining and I said, "No! You will regret it." You may be sitting down, scratching your head, and asking "Why not?" Here are some questions you should ask yourself before considering Adult Swim:

Do you like...

  • walking on eggshells?
  • being treated like a criminal? 
  • being accused of being a troll? 
  • being psychoanalyzed to pieces?
  • being treated like a verbal punching bag?
  • being politically correct every nano second? 
  • getting rape and death threats? 
  • constantly looking over your shoulder?
  • people insulting every show or movie you enjoy?
  • political oppression, oppression in general, and censorship?
  • whenever people always feel the need to put you in your place?
  • the thought of always being banned every time you defend yourself against assholes and trolls? 
  • Did you enjoy being an outcast in high school?

If you answered no to at least 1 of these questions, you should not join Adult Swim's message board. There are SOME nice posters. However, there are also shitty posters. These are the following reasons why you should not join Adult Swim:

Reasons Why You Should NOT Join Adult Swim's Message Board:

* No Blocking- Adult Swim doesn't have a block feature. Most blogging and social media sites have a "Block" button, which makes it easier for assholes and trolls to appear as "invisible" on your screen. Adult Swim does have an "Ignore" button. Too bad it no longer works because there are assholes I would personally LOVE to block.

* Hijacking- The topic of the thread doesn't matter. Regardless if it's a positive or negative thread, assholes and trolls love hijacking another poster's thread. The hijacking is usually done to create arguments and sometimes to spout death threats. I've gotten a few death threats by a skanky, narcissistic sociopath.

* Terrible Communications/Social Skills- The remaining veteran Adult Swim posters highly lack social skills; They don't know how to socialize or communicate. Their idea of socializing is being verbally abusive towards other posters.

* Begrudgment- Some posters are quick to begrudge other posters for their success. Some have an inferiority complex and are close-minded to anyone the moment they assume that other poster(s) believes he/she is superior to everyone else because of his/her accomplishments. This most definitely applies towards website and business owners. 

Rather than taking action and improving their own lives, some posters would rather demonize and ostracize another poster. In a nutshell, they are "haters." Most Adult Swim posters dislike business owners and love demonizing them because they were brainwashed to hate businesses in general by the media. 

Then again, Adult Swim is a brother network of CNN.

* Game Of Cliques/Alliances- Some veteran posters play both sides of cliques. I always love whenever a friend is in the center of 2 friends, who dislike each other. The friend in the middle will pretend to be "neutral," even though he/she already decided who's side to be on. This usually leads to ostracizing the other so-called "friend."

* The Blame Game- Some remaining veteran posters are quick to play The Blame Game. Rather than accepting their own faults, Adult Swim posters only want to blame 1 or a few other posters for their own problems, that they helped create. Most of them are their own worst enemies yet they still love finger pointing.

* Pissing Contests- The remaining veteran posters regularly hold pissing contests over politics and cartoon ratings in the most active sections of the site. 2 of the most active sections are Babbling and Toonami. Adult Swim's message board mostly consists of grown men fighting over politics like they are on CNN. Otherwise, there are Toonami Tards fighting over Shonen Jump Action Anime ratings rather than sitting down and enjoying their favorite Anime. Some of them have severe mental and behavioral problems and love wreaking havoc for other posters.

* Persecution- Veteran posters are usually quick to persecute new posters and assume they are recurring male trolls. I joined Adult Swim last August. In all my years of being an Internet user, I have never felt so unwelcome to ANY site. That was until I joined Adult Swim. 

I currently belong to several other websites. As toxic as some of those sites can be, at least new posters aren't treated like an inconvenience, if not a criminal.  

Adult Swim's message board makes other websites look like a trip to Disneyland. 

* Crooked Moderation- The moderators treat posters like an inconvenience rather than solving the problems. In order to cope with racism, misogyny, rape/death threats, and trolling in general, posters have to either ignore it, or jump ship. Adult Swim's moderators are the equivalent of cops, that turn blind eyes to the corruption. Instead of moderators enforcing Adult Swim's board rules, posters get a slap on the wrist for bad behavior by only getting temporary bans. Otherwise, there is a double standard and the moderators will justify it. 

* Multiple Identities- The remaining veteran posters create different poster names out of sheer boredom. I still don't understand the point of randomly creating multiple accounts, when they haven't been banned UNLESS it is to only rig polls and troll other posters. They really do rig polls and troll in aliases.

* Censorship- Adult Swim is a HIGHLY censored message board. Even though the network has "Adult" in its title and posters literally have their own dick pics floating around in cyber space, the message board and its programming are highly censored. People only preach about Freedom Of Speech, whenever it's convenient. 

All the while, those same Adult Swim posters are oppressive of others. Most posters can dish it out, but can't take it. They'll be quick to lecture someone about not being "politically correct," when they're not exactly the most respectful of anybody. I spend more time walking on eggshells for Adult Swim posters than anywhere on and offline. 

There are business meetings and sports bras, that are more comfortable and entertaining than posting on Adult Swim. I can only imagine some Adult Swim posters going on dates and being as boring as watching paint dry. Or as uptight and uncomfortable as a Super Wedgy.

* Turnover Rate- Adult Swim has a high turnover rate with posters. Most veterans grew tired of the negativity on the site and left. This is especially when it is impossible to have a fun thread meant for everyone. At least 1 asshole hijacks it only to start fights with another poster(s). This depends on whether the fight is with the creator of the thread, or someone else in it.

* Suicide Rate- Adult Swim has a suicide rate among posters. Before and during the time I joined the forum, there was already a history of some veteran posters being suicidal and committing suicide.  

I don't have an actual percentage. However, there were at least a handful. 

Some of those same suicidal posters threaten to commit suicide today.

* Social Networking Abuse- Some veteran posters treat Adult Swim's forum like it's their personal facebook status update. There is at least 1 morally corrupt/narcissistic sociopathic poster, who uses Adult Swim's forum like she's on facebook.  

She brags about all the Johns she's met and had sex with via Tinder.

* Limited & Opportunistic Humor- Some remaining veteran posters lack a sense of humor UNLESS they're trolling other posters. Adult Swim posters mostly revel in acting like rude, belligerent, chastising, and self-righteous trolls. Putting each other in their places mostly amuses them and their colluding friends. 1/2 remaining posters no longer watch shows on Adult Swim. Although, they will nit pick and psychoanalyze plots and characters to pieces.

* Cyber Ghost Town- Adult Swim's forum is on life support. Sane people should NOT join the site because the remaining posters already want to leave it or witness the shutdown. Most sane people don't have the time, energy, and patience to deal with grown men and their childish antics, while simultaneously lecturing other posters about being "politically correct" and arguing over shows. 

Ask yourself, "Why is the divorce rate constantly soaring?" If you say, "It's because people don't have time for bullshit," apply that same answer to Adult Swim's message board.

All in all, it's much better to remain an Adult Swim viewer than being a poster. Most of the regulars waste time nit picking and finger pointing at everything and everyone. Do NOT join Adult Swim. If you do, you will regret it even more because you CANNOT delete your account.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Song Saturday: Hole's Asking For It

How's it going my gumdrops? Right now, I want to warn you that today's Song Saturday blog will mostly be a LONG and well deserved rant. Hopefully you will be "enlightened" by today's blog.

Regardless if you're male or female, you should be able to empathize with my current situations.

For the last several weeks, our house has already been under construction. To add to my list of problems, I have been forced to endure online sexual harassment. It's starting to aggravate me, again.

Around 4 years ago, I joined Facebook and refused to post selfies. I did not want to endure creeps stalking me again like the time I had 2 creeps stalking me at Parkside, when I was a DJ. I typically look terrible in pictures, anyway; I'm NOT  always photogenic. Usually, I look more attractive in person. 

It wasn't until 2 years ago, that I uploaded my 10-year high school class reunion picture. It has my high school friend/classmate/class president in it, since she was taking our selfies. 

As an adult, that is by far my best picture EVER because it best captured my physical appearance. It was like staring at my own mirror reflection! However, I don't normally wear as much heavy make-up in person.

Because I have a naturally large bust size, I've been forced to endure creeps on and offline trying to get into my pants. Otherwise, they want to use my picture as "fap material."

If you don't know what the term "fap" means, that's basically the noises being made, during masturbation. 

This is in addition to Baby Boomer and Gen Y creeps typically wanting to see me topless and/or wanting to have cyber sex with me. 

The cat-calling and wolf whistling by sleazebags is bad enough in person, especially when I'm NOT  wearing anything "provocative," "kinky," or "erotic."


It doesn't matter if I'm on Facebook, Horror-Punks, Blogster, Adult Swim, etc, etc. When I'm not being forced to handle haters and opportunists, I must always endure HIGHLY entitled creeps. 

Highly entitled creeps demanding that I send TOPLESS selfies, them expecting me to have CYBER sex with them, OR the desperate man-children constantly private messenging me because they believe they have a chance to date me? I really don't know what aggravates me more. 

All this bullshit is partly why I QUIT  dating men going on 10 years ago, next April 6th. I'm far beyond disgusted with sleazebags friending and subscribing to me on websites besides my own site with their perverted agendas.

Yesterday morning, I became even more annoyed in that Metal thread I recently joined on Adult Swim. I went into it to respond to an Adult Swim Helper's comment. Then, I scrolled to the 3rd page. 

Adult Swim Helper: "You should have snapped a picture of that MILF."

Tumblr Blogger: "Haha I should have! I will say she had at least a 36 C going on bro no joke." 

A veteran Adult Swim poster shared a link to his Tumblr blog and their dialogue above was something I SHOULD'VE expected considering that Adult Swim is primarily run by crooked man-children. 

Those 2 sleazy comments stand out to women. Men of certain ilk online probably assume I'm some militant feminazi "overreacting."

Being a female Metal fan or a musician, we don't always get the amount of respect we deserve because there are women with NO self-respect, who LOVE being objectified for male attention.

Since Metal has always been a male dominated music genre, most people will assume that female fans are either tomboys, or groupies. 

Much like asshole Gamers, female Metal fans MUST  prove to Metal zealots that we're fans by getting interrogated with questions about our favorite band, album, song, etc.

Luckily, no Adult Swim poster interrogated me about any of those topics. In fact, most of the current posters overlooked me in that thread. No surprise. It's Adult Swim and it's a male-dominated thread consisting of inconsiderate man-children.

Judging by the atmosphere, I think I will stop posting in that thread. It somewhat has a sleazy, Metal dive bar environment to it already, whether they want to admit it or not.

Even if I had the time, money, and patience, I wouldn't attend ANY concert, including a Metal concert. 

Domestic terrorists, wife beaters, rapists, serial killers, etc. generally love camouflaging themselves into crowds.

I'll buy the merchandise and support their content. Although, regularly enduring creeps as a woman is already a headache.

The more I think about creeps that I have to constantly deal with both on and offline, the more I think about Hole's song "Asking For It." "Asking For It" is on the band's 1994 album, Live Through This. Hole isn't a Metal band, but I've loved this song, since I was 12 years old.

According to Kurt Cobain's widow, Courtney Love, "Asking For It" is about mostly rape and feminism. She wrote the song, after she was molested and had her clothes torn off her, while stage diving at the Queen Margaret Union in Glasgow, Scotland. That was in 1991. 

In more detail, Courtney Love explained:

"We had just gotten off tour with Mudhoney, and I decided to stage-dive. I was wearing a dress and I didn't realize what I was engendering in the audience. It was a huge audience and they were kind of going ape-shit. So I just dove off the stage, and suddenly, it was like my dress was being torn off of me, my underwear was being torn off of me, people were putting their fingers inside of me and grabbing my breasts really hard, screaming things in my ears like "pussy-whore-cunt". When I got back onstage I was naked. I felt like Karen Finley. But the worst thing of all was that I saw a photograph of it later. Someone took a picture of me right when this was happening, and I had this big smile on my face like I was pretending it wasn't happening. So later I wrote a song called "Asking For It" based on the whole experience. I can't compare it to rape because it's not the same. But in a way it was. I was raped by an audience, figuratively, literally, and yet, was I asking for it?"

After reading her comments, it somewhat reminds me of those years of being forced to attend school pep rallies, during 6th-9th grade. 

Having to endure random boys groping and poking me from behind, during pep rallies contributed to my panic attacks as a teenager. 

Once I reached 10th grade, I ditched EVERY pep rally. Anyway, here is Hole's "Asking For It" for today's Song Saturday.

Hole "Asking For It" Live Through This (1994)