Showing posts with label Sexual Harassment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexual Harassment. Show all posts

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Song Saturday: Hole's Asking For It

How's it going my gumdrops? Right now, I want to warn you that today's Song Saturday blog will mostly be a LONG and well deserved rant. Hopefully you will be "enlightened" by today's blog.

Regardless if you're male or female, you should be able to empathize with my current situations.

For the last several weeks, our house has already been under construction. To add to my list of problems, I have been forced to endure online sexual harassment. It's starting to aggravate me, again.

Around 4 years ago, I joined Facebook and refused to post selfies. I did not want to endure creeps stalking me again like the time I had 2 creeps stalking me at Parkside, when I was a DJ. I typically look terrible in pictures, anyway; I'm NOT  always photogenic. Usually, I look more attractive in person. 

It wasn't until 2 years ago, that I uploaded my 10-year high school class reunion picture. It has my high school friend/classmate/class president in it, since she was taking our selfies. 

As an adult, that is by far my best picture EVER because it best captured my physical appearance. It was like staring at my own mirror reflection! However, I don't normally wear as much heavy make-up in person.

Because I have a naturally large bust size, I've been forced to endure creeps on and offline trying to get into my pants. Otherwise, they want to use my picture as "fap material."

If you don't know what the term "fap" means, that's basically the noises being made, during masturbation. 

This is in addition to Baby Boomer and Gen Y creeps typically wanting to see me topless and/or wanting to have cyber sex with me. 

The cat-calling and wolf whistling by sleazebags is bad enough in person, especially when I'm NOT  wearing anything "provocative," "kinky," or "erotic."


It doesn't matter if I'm on Facebook, Horror-Punks, Blogster, Adult Swim, etc, etc. When I'm not being forced to handle haters and opportunists, I must always endure HIGHLY entitled creeps. 

Highly entitled creeps demanding that I send TOPLESS selfies, them expecting me to have CYBER sex with them, OR the desperate man-children constantly private messenging me because they believe they have a chance to date me? I really don't know what aggravates me more. 

All this bullshit is partly why I QUIT  dating men going on 10 years ago, next April 6th. I'm far beyond disgusted with sleazebags friending and subscribing to me on websites besides my own site with their perverted agendas.

Yesterday morning, I became even more annoyed in that Metal thread I recently joined on Adult Swim. I went into it to respond to an Adult Swim Helper's comment. Then, I scrolled to the 3rd page. 

Adult Swim Helper: "You should have snapped a picture of that MILF."

Tumblr Blogger: "Haha I should have! I will say she had at least a 36 C going on bro no joke." 

A veteran Adult Swim poster shared a link to his Tumblr blog and their dialogue above was something I SHOULD'VE expected considering that Adult Swim is primarily run by crooked man-children. 

Those 2 sleazy comments stand out to women. Men of certain ilk online probably assume I'm some militant feminazi "overreacting."

Being a female Metal fan or a musician, we don't always get the amount of respect we deserve because there are women with NO self-respect, who LOVE being objectified for male attention.

Since Metal has always been a male dominated music genre, most people will assume that female fans are either tomboys, or groupies. 

Much like asshole Gamers, female Metal fans MUST  prove to Metal zealots that we're fans by getting interrogated with questions about our favorite band, album, song, etc.

Luckily, no Adult Swim poster interrogated me about any of those topics. In fact, most of the current posters overlooked me in that thread. No surprise. It's Adult Swim and it's a male-dominated thread consisting of inconsiderate man-children.

Judging by the atmosphere, I think I will stop posting in that thread. It somewhat has a sleazy, Metal dive bar environment to it already, whether they want to admit it or not.

Even if I had the time, money, and patience, I wouldn't attend ANY concert, including a Metal concert. 

Domestic terrorists, wife beaters, rapists, serial killers, etc. generally love camouflaging themselves into crowds.

I'll buy the merchandise and support their content. Although, regularly enduring creeps as a woman is already a headache.

The more I think about creeps that I have to constantly deal with both on and offline, the more I think about Hole's song "Asking For It." "Asking For It" is on the band's 1994 album, Live Through This. Hole isn't a Metal band, but I've loved this song, since I was 12 years old.

According to Kurt Cobain's widow, Courtney Love, "Asking For It" is about mostly rape and feminism. She wrote the song, after she was molested and had her clothes torn off her, while stage diving at the Queen Margaret Union in Glasgow, Scotland. That was in 1991. 

In more detail, Courtney Love explained:

"We had just gotten off tour with Mudhoney, and I decided to stage-dive. I was wearing a dress and I didn't realize what I was engendering in the audience. It was a huge audience and they were kind of going ape-shit. So I just dove off the stage, and suddenly, it was like my dress was being torn off of me, my underwear was being torn off of me, people were putting their fingers inside of me and grabbing my breasts really hard, screaming things in my ears like "pussy-whore-cunt". When I got back onstage I was naked. I felt like Karen Finley. But the worst thing of all was that I saw a photograph of it later. Someone took a picture of me right when this was happening, and I had this big smile on my face like I was pretending it wasn't happening. So later I wrote a song called "Asking For It" based on the whole experience. I can't compare it to rape because it's not the same. But in a way it was. I was raped by an audience, figuratively, literally, and yet, was I asking for it?"

After reading her comments, it somewhat reminds me of those years of being forced to attend school pep rallies, during 6th-9th grade. 

Having to endure random boys groping and poking me from behind, during pep rallies contributed to my panic attacks as a teenager. 

Once I reached 10th grade, I ditched EVERY pep rally. Anyway, here is Hole's "Asking For It" for today's Song Saturday.

Hole "Asking For It" Live Through This (1994)