Showing posts with label Internet Crybabies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet Crybabies. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

{Rant} Sensitive Vs. Butt-Hurt: What's The Difference?

This blog was originally published on Xanga, April 16, 2013.


Hey there Xangans! I would've published this a lot sooner but I needed at least 2 nights to somewhat relax. Reason being, I am SICK of crybabies on the Internet! 

Both 2 nights ago and last week, I have been dealing with severely butt-hurt people both on Facebook and Xanga. Most of them have been men. 

If you need to, go read my Pulse from 2 nights ago. On my Pulse, I even explain the difference between sensitive and butt-hurt people.

Let me just say, there's nothing wrong with being sensitive. I would like to think, that most people to some degree are sensitive to something. There's a difference between sensitive and butt-hurt. 

If someone is sensitive, it means they have feelings. For example, someone making offensive jokes about rape or about yesterday's explosions in Boston, shows that person is INsensitive to a SENSITIVE topic. 

Nobody should be laughing about either topic. Those jokes would give another person a perfectly good reason to be offended. This most definitely applies to those spouting rape threats online.

Then, there are butt-hurt people. These people LOVE making a mountain out of a molehill about any little thing. If you insult their precious show, they get all riled up like fanboys/fangirls because they cannot handle ANY kind of criticism about their show. Butt-hurt people are hypersensitive crybabies. 

Additional Traits Of Butt-Hurt People:

* Can't handle constructive criticism 

* Immediately reject advice about ANYTHING, especially when it can be beneficial to them

* Easily triggered by negative comments about ANYTHING, regardless if it has NOTHING to do with them AT ALL

* Throw temper tantrums like 2-year-old spoiled brats, 

* Want everybody to enable them by always tip-toeing on egg shells. 

* Easily triggered when someone says/does something they disagree with, especially when that person is not politically correct 24/7

* Sore losers that hide from their problems 

* Living in a delusional world where everything should always be bunnies and sunshine with gumdrops and unicorns falling from the sky

* Demand everyone to respect them 

* Expect nobody to EVER walk all over them YET  expect others to be their personal doormats and enablers

* Expect participation trophies for their bratty behavior

* Love playing the victim card, whenever they don't get their way about something

* Always snide but can't handle sarcastic jokes and will self-righteously bum rush someone online within a nano second to announce that they were "offended"

* Self-righteously believe it is their DIVINE RIGHT  to dictate every little thing certain people say by going out their way to correct them

This is ONLY naming a few traits butt-hurt people possess. I could list butt-hurt traits to infinity.

Why so sensitive? Are these crybabies that desperate for some Butt-Hurt Cream from the Whambulance?

Allow me to say right off the bat: If I have unintentionally offended you, I am so sorry. However, if you're the type of person, who can't handle ANYTHING someone else says or does, especially when it has NOTHING to do with you, you don't need to be online crying like a 2-year-old. 

Crybabies have helped ruin America, as well as the Internet. If you cannot handle being in cyber space and tolerating ANY jokes and/minor criticisms, you obviously cannot handle worse problems in the future. That's if those issues haven't already happened. 

You are looking at someone, who is CONSTANTLY forced to overcome adversity on a daily basis. 

I am a college graduate and a survivor of post 9/11 racism, death threats, slander, bullying, trolling, being stalked BOTH on and offline, etc. In addition, I have been unemployed for the last 5 years. Your problems are no worse than mine or anyone else's. 

So, rub on your Butt-Hurt Cream, put on your big boy/girl pants, suck on your pacifier, get in line, take a number, and deal with life like the rest of us!

If you have that many hang ups, you need to see your local shrink, ASAP! Not everybody is going to enable you. I will sympathize, empathize, try helping, and supporting you but if you think I'm your designated enabler, GUESS AGAIN!!! 

I am very blunt. If you can't handle the slightest joke, advice, or opinion from me or anybody else, you obviously will NOT  be able to handle, when somebody REALLY gives you a spanking. 

This concludes my rant, for now. You can recommend this blog or not. Whichever makes you happy!