Showing posts with label The Doctors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Doctors. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Have American Daytime Health Talk Shows Sunk To An All Time Low?

This is blog was originally published on Xanga March 13, 2013.

Hey Xangans! I don't know if you watch any of the Daytime Health Talk Shows on local networks, but I have noticed how pathetic they are becoming. Because I watch The Doctors, Doctor Oz, and Dr. Phil, I have been noticing a few problems recently. 

If these talk shows don't have the latest "trending" celebutards trying to promote their new books, entertainment careers, and/products with their names plastered across them, those same celebutards choose to be "special guests" on talk shows, while pushing their political agendas like good wannabe "political activists."

This most definitely applies to smarmy politicians, that seriously believe they are celebrities. These patterns are becoming more frequent, during the 2012-13 year. 

Aside from those issues, I will get directly to the point of today's blog. Yesterday afternoon, I watched The Doctors. It seems as if CBS and the producers (1 of the producers being Dr. Phil's oldest son), recently launch "TMI Tuesday." 

The Doctors: "TMI Tuesday" (2013)

The episode was dedicated to women with embarrassing questions literally about their genitals. 

Dr. Lisa, who is normally the only female doctor on The Doctors, decided to re-educate viewers (mostly female) about the female anatomy. "TMI Tuesday" had other female doctors as special co-hosts to help re-educate us about the female anatomy.

With self-righteousness, these female doctors preached about parents needing to teach their kids the proper terminology for their genitals, all the while using food as their demonstrations for the female anatomy.

Did you understand the last part of that sentence?

While making my bed, I listened to the first few minutes of the show and their ridiculous attempt to their Sex Re-Education (my term for it). I suddenly looked up and saw them holding an AVOCADO, while they explained the location of the clitoris.  

"Okay, why aren't they using their usual diagrams?" 

That was what I asked myself. I let that part of the "TMI Tuesday" episode slide. 

Eventually, they went to another segment about this lady wanting to get surgery done on her LABIA. Supposedly, she felt insecure and it physically bothered her. 

Here's the absurdity. Another doctor was explaining the labiaplasty procedure by using a ROAST BEEF SANDWICH. I kid you NOT! A ROAST BEEF SANDWICH?! SERIOUSLY?! OH MY GOD!!! 

The moment that doctor pulled out a ROAST BEEF SANDWICH to describe the labia, I could not help simultaneously laughing, rolling my eyes, and shaking my head. Talk about a disgrace! I don't think I will view a Roast Beef Sandwich the same way ever again.

It's understandable that CBS and The Doctors' producers call themselves trying to be "fun" and "innovative," while informing people about their health and anatomy. However, those of us with an IQ and an attention span larger than the size of a gnat were dumbed down as viewers. 

The Doctors also made themselves look like self-righteous hypocrites. This includes losing some of us SMARTER viewers with their joke of an episode by trying to re-educate us women about our "lady parts." That's another issue that irked me and some other viewers to no end. 

All the female doctors kept interchangeably using "vagina," with "vajayjay," "down there," and "lady parts." Talk about patronizing us women as their viewers.

The village idiots, who are in charge of The Doctors at CBS, obviously forgot about last season's repercussions, when they added Jillian Michaels (who happens to be really squeamish about her own anatomy and sexuality) to the show. 

That divisive, loud mouth wreaked so much havoc among the original hosts, that she ran away millions of us viewers, during the earlier part of the last season. 

CBS had to fire Jillian. In fact, some of the original viewers of The Doctors still REFUSE to watch the show again, even though she was fired during the mid-season of last year.

Most of us viewers really enjoyed The Doctors, before they decided to throw in some moronic gimmicks. It used to be a fun and light hearted yet educational Health Talk Show, during the daytime. Since the last season, The Doctors have turned into a joke because their integrity is gone.

Yesterday, I thought I was watching an SNL or Mad TV parody for an early April Fools' Day episode. In the past, the show won a few Emmys because they were watchable. Now, CBS feels the need to air unnecessary half to unknown to has been celebutards, as "special guests" to do testimonials. 

When celebutards are not doing testimonials, they are on The Doctors trying to promote themselves and/share their sob stories with us viewers.

The Doctors reach to incorporate how a celebutard's product or minor problem is something health related. It's annoying, highly insulting, and needs to be stopped. 

Meanwhile, I used to really like and respect Dr. Lisa. Lately, I'm gradually losing my respect for her as a female viewer.

Dr. Lisa needs to stop acting like some desperate, and horny cougar, every time male guests, who are old enough to be her son, appear in her presence on stage.  

It's already bad enough she's a Twerd and a 50 Shades fan, but that's another problem for another time.

Anyway, yesterday's "TMI Tuesday" was an absolute joke!