Showing posts with label Projection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Projection. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Trimming The Fat On Stalkbook A.K.A. Facebook

This blog was originally published on Xanga May 8, 2013.

Hey there Xangans! How's it going? For a while, I have weighed, who I should and shouldn't unfriend. Normally, I don't unfriend people. Someone must be REALLY sickening, in order for me to unfriend them. 

I have unfriended and BEEN unfriended. Sometimes, being unfriended does not offend me. If the person annoys me the moment after he/she made me friend him/her only to endure his/her BS, my conscience is saying, "Goodbye and good riddance to you." 

Thirsty creeps typically unfriend me for not sending them any nudie pics OR because they are butt hurt over pettiness. I am still laughing at that stoner, Hawaiian, Brandon Lee Wannabee, hippie. 

Earlier this year, that pretentious attention whore unfriended me because I said, that I hated Sesame Street and Big Bird! That's how petty some of these people are on my end of Facebook. 

Yesterday I unfriended cheap talkers, liars, opportunistic PRICKS, and belligerent drunks, who insulted me while on "liquid courage." 

In addition, I have unfriended those who have not been on Facebook since 1-2 years ago and NEVER wished me a happy birthday YET love friend collecting sluts on my birthday. I didn't unfriend people, who can't always talk to me.

I understand that my friends are busy with work, school, raising their families, etc. However, if these are inconsiderate party people, friend collecting drunks, or simply friend collectors, that always visit other people's walls except for yours truly, then there is no need for me to waste time and space with these people on my friends list. This especially applies toward some old high school classmates.

Actually, there were several classmates I unfriended, during the 2 years I've had my Facebook account. I've blocked and unfriended so-called "friends" from 6-12th grade. 

I tried catching up with them before, during, and after our 10-year reunion, 2 years ago. Very few of them purposely went out their ways to pursue me. I shared with them my successes and failures, after high school. 

Did any of my own high school friends care?

Absolutely, NOT.  They were ONLY  interested in hearing about my shortcomings. 

In fact, those same high school "friends" perked up MOMENTS after mentioning, that had I acquired a severe bleeding disorder (which I'm finally cured of), being unemployed for the last several years, and about me almost being trapped into marrying a womanizing crooked cop. 

Nobody wanted to hear about me attending 3 colleges all within the same year, hosting my own college radio show, or about my poems and short stories bound at my final college. I asked them about what they accomplished, since high school.

They mostly stayed quiet and developed these nasty attitudes towards me. It's mostly because some of those same so-called "friends" were ALWAYS lazy and entitled, opportunistic, followers. They usually made me 3rd wheel and only used me for their personal conveniences. 

By the time most of us graduated from high school and went our separate ways, they did NOT  have me to depend on anymore. Some have developed a superiority complex 2 years ago just because they got engaged, married, and have their own crumb snatchers YET they did not attend college. Why? Because they didn't want student loan debts.

As much as I hate constantly having to defer my student loans, at least I graduated from college and conquered 2 of my dreams (becoming a Radio DJ/Hostess and having some of my work bound at Carthage College). 

The year after I graduated, 1 of my English Literature professors used my Yahoo 360 Blog for his Asian Heritage Studies Classes, which he taught. Not too many people can say this for themselves. I am NOT saying this to sound conceited. I'm mostly saying this because I reflect on my accomplishments from my early to mid 20's.

Whenever I tell people about my accomplishments, they feel overwhelmed and always ask, "Wow! You did ALL of that?" My reply, "Yes." Sometimes, my mind is blown and even I ask myself, "Wow! How DID I do all that?"

Not too many people my age have the will power to juggle their accomplishments, while simultaneously overcoming all types of adversity. During some of the MOST brutal times in my life, I managed to conquer and accomplish some of my dreams and goals. Here's what I endured along the way:

What I Was Forced To Endure:

* Post 9/11 racism 

* Abusive and toxic relationships

* Living with terminally ill family members

* Campus creeps stalking me at UW-Parkside

* Battled a severe bleeding disorder throughout my 20's  

* 2 deaths in my immediate family before graduating from Carthage College

Some people say, that I'm "stuck in the past" and "need to move on with my life." Their projection is hilarious. 

Those of the same ilk say this to me and to others YET  we are adults in our early 30's and they are still acting like they never left high school OR their early 20's. 

While THEY are projecting, they feel bitter, ashamed, unaccomplished, resent those of us who did accomplish something, and are living a Hollywood lie, ESPECIALLY on Facebook. 

Meanwhile, some of are eternally single like myself or divorced with or without their own crumb snatchers and managed to accomplish something in our lives whether big or small.

If they only care about friend collecting, social climbing, begrudging, scheming, and partying, I do NOT need them in my life. Neither does anyone else for that matter. The types I've described can be incredibly toxic and bring out the worst in someone and everybody around them. 

Like I said earlier, I have trimmed the fat on Facebook and feel some relief by unfriending them. If I do have to interact with those losers in public or via cell phone, I will be honest and confrontational about the way they treated other people, including me.

If you are still reading this blog and must endure losers like those of said ilk on Facebook or in real life, it's best to sever all ties with them. This is AS LONG as they are not people, who you rely on for friendship, family support, business, or entertainment purposes. If you do depend on them, you may want to limit your social interaction with them. 

Sometimes, we need to remove certain people from our lives for good reasons.