Showing posts with label The Xanga Team. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Xanga Team. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2013

What Are My Overall Thoughts About The So-Called Xanga Relaunch?

This blog was originally published on Blogster July 18, 2013.

Xangans and Blogsterians, how's it going? Until now, I have not published any blogs this week and have barely been on Xanga 1.0. If anything, I have been trying to relax. After all, it would be pointless for me to publish another blog over there. We should REALLY thank The Xanga Team for causing "community" division.

If The Xanga Team sincerely cared so much about their so-called "community," why did they poorly deliver their "relaunch" message by pressuring every Xangan like they were our bill collectors? We should NOT  be required to pay to exist on Xanga 2.0. 

I cannot help reiterating that The Xanga Team used their financial dilemma to cause hysteria and fights among us. Isn't it already awful enough, that Xanga spams us with their daily Facebook notifications about changing Xanga's profile and cover pictures? I do not see exactly what The Xanga Team changed because they are THE SAME DAMN PICTURES! 

The reverse psychology may work on some people but not everybody. Not only that, but also some of us Xangans are tired of the favoritism being played on their Facebook page. 

As long as someone is cheerleading the Xanga "relaunch" like a sycophant, the owner of Xanga's Facebook fan page shares links to certain blogs.

Earlier this month, my blog about Xanga 2.0 made it in the top 5 on Xanga 1.0. It's still getting readers, responses, and recommendations. However, Xanga's Facebook fan page owner didn't share it. In fact, there were other Xangans, who made it in the top 5. They also weren't praising Xanga's "relaunch." Therefore, I know FOR A FACT, that The Xanga Team is blacklisting those of us with opposing views. 

My Xanga page and others keep getting hijacked by the self-righteous Xangans. They patronize us about paying to blog is a "privilege." They're The Xanga Team's pawns and are too blind to know it. Other Xangans that already pay are highly dissatisfied with Xanga's lousy service, and they support us free users.

Earlier, a Xangan subscriber of mine said to me over there, "Xanga's actions have poisoned the community well rather than helped it." I can't agree more. 

The incessant begging and pressuring every Xangan to pledge for Xanga 2.0 to be a mandatory pay site is the equivalent of bill collectors calling our homes 24/7. If you don't pay, something gets repossessed. In our case, since us free users never paid to blog on Xanga, our blogs are being stripped YET we still maintain our old subscribers and the ability to comment, once Xanga 2.0 uses WordPress as their personal platform! Wow! Talk about a crock of bullshit. Welp, I've stated all that I needed to, for now.

So Xangans and Blogsterians, what do you think about this Xanga 2.0 fiasco?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Xanga 2.0 = No Shirt, No Shoes, No Dice

This blog was originally published on Xanga, then on Blogster July 4, 2013.


Xanga's Current Situation:

We only have 11 MORE DAYS, until this so-called Xanga 2.0 "Relaunch" starts. 

When it comes to us FREE users, the new motto implies, that we either pay to be on Xanga, or we're gone. It's not that big of a deal for Xangans, who already pay to blog. They are allowed to be a part of the "relaunch." 

As I have said before on other pages, I fully understand, that Xanga is a business and needs money to run. What The Xanga Team FAILS to understand is by them requiring users to pay on Xanga 2.0, there will be LESS users.

If Facebook required users to pay, there would be less people on it. Isn't it already bad enough, that older Xangans left Xanga 1.0, before some of us newbies joined? 

I may not be a veteran Xangan, however, I feel like I am being treated like some low class low-life, who waltzed into a convenience store without wearing shoes and a T-shirt. 

The Xanga Team chose to use WordPress as a common ground for a blogging and social networking site, while turning Xanga into The Repo Man. See, THAT  already caused division within the community.

According to what I have been told by a several veterans, Xangans were ALREADY divided because most have fled from Xanga, before this relaunch. The Xanga Shut Down now turned "Relaunch" is the final nail in the coffin. 

I have already deleted more of my other Xanga blogs, since most of them are now on Blogster. I am still on Xanga because I am waiting, until I hear back from some more Xangan friends. Once July 15th comes, it's deuces for us free users. So, here's something I don't understand:

Hypothetically speaking, if Xanga does succeed in raising 60 grand to maintain the relaunch and every Xangan is paying to use the site, what happens when they are not on it DAILY? Are they still going to get their money's worth? OR a total waste of time and money? 

Saying that it is "possible" for Xangans to be on here for free is NOT set in stone. Therefore, us free users need to have a back up a blog or so. I am not begging for anybody to pay my way to be on Xanga 2.0. That's the last thing I want or expect. 

Had I known, that Xanga required me to pay use this site, I would've never joined and none of you would've ever met me. I will really miss my Xangan friends, who actually cared to be my subscribers. 

I wish that more Xangans would follow me to Blogster, but I know that will never happen. Everyone's not on WordPress and Facebook. This only leaves a functioning e-mail account for some.

Most of my Xangan friends/subscribers already know that I'm on Blogster, have me on Facebook, and my e-mail address. It's only up to those, who WANT to keep in contact with me. If they don't want to keep in contact with me, it is what it is.


After publishing this blog on Xanga, a rude and retired, old hag wanted to start shit on my Xanga page. She already hijacked my Xanga Pulse saying: 

"There's no free lunch. Why should there be free blogging -- I expect other sites will either not be free, or will soon begin charging too." 

That same hag returned to comment on my current blog. Because that hag would NOT stay in her lane, I blocked and deleted her ass from my Xanga page after she posted:

"You seem to forget that life is made up of choices and priorities. If it is your choice to blog elsewhere and not pledge to relaunch Xanga, so be it -- but the choice to pledge is also a valid choice for those who wish to make that choice. Perhaps it will be a smaller Xanga for a while, thanks to vocal naysayers who attempt to take that choice away, but in time it has the opportunity to become as popular and well-loved as it has been for all of us. If you choose to go elsewhere, perhaps your energies would be better spent blogging there."

Instead of responding back, "STHU and get off my page!" blocking and deleting her worked much better. An extra perk was that I got 2 free robo e-props.

So, Xangans and Blogsterians, what do you think about all this?