Showing posts with label Generation Y. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Generation Y. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hey, Generation X! I'm Talking To You!

How's it going my POTENTIAL gumdrops? You may think that the name, "gumdrop" is insulting but as for someone like myself, who is between both Generations X and Y, I consider it to be cute. Most people would consider me to be a Millennial.

A little while ago, I learned that I am actually considered Generation Flux. I was born in 1982 and my mother was born in 1962. We have a 20-year age gap. Because my mother was born in between 1961-1981, she is considered a Gen Xer. Also, because my parents are Gen Xers and I was born in 1982, I am technically considered to be a "Fluxer." If my parents were Baby Boomers during the early '80s, I would be a Millennial.

With me being a Fluxer, I was both a child of the '80s and '90s and became an adult in 2000. It's amazing how time flies! Don't you miss the 1980s and '90s? You know, before entertainment turned into the Shit Sandwich it is today?

This is where YOUR generation comes in:

On September 23, 2013, I created my own website, It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns for free. Originally, it was only meant to be my personal author website. In a way, it still is. However, I spend more time posting entertaining and informative blogs than anything.

Song Saturday and Cartoon Sunday blogs are the main blogs I post, during the weekends. Sometimes, I will post an extra blog throughout the week. It really depends on how I am feeling and what else I'm doing at the time. I have posted nearly 300 blogs on It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns. Therefore, you're not extremely limited to content. Although, the only major restriction I have is my Horror page.

The Horror page on It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns has samples of some of the short stories I have posted. Only members can view this page and FOR FREE. Otherwise, everything else is fair game.

If you want to learn more about me, check out It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns. Last but not least, I would really LOVE to have your feedback. What do you want me to share, in order to keep you as a part of my target audience, that does NOT center around politics?

Thank you and I look forward to your replies!