Showing posts with label Carthage College. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carthage College. Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2019

It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns Q&A 2019

Wow! Can you believe it? Today is the day that marks It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns' 6th anniversary. How's it going my gumdrops? 

Before I forget, Happy Birthday to Whiskey Brewer on MeWe!

While still working for my uncle, I self-built this website on September 23, 2013. In a way, I cannot help feeling somewhat disappointed that I still have not accomplished as much as I really wanted this year.

Since 2017, I have endured a plethora of issues ranging from dealing with my mother's eternal health issues to chores, editing, revising, and submitting my short stories for publishing, contacting publishers, voice actors, editors, job hunting, etc.

Earlier this year, I was sick at least twice. For the 4th time in 19 years, I had bronchitis and a cold. Long story short, this year has been brutal.

Since this year's Q&A blog has a few jargon-filled questions, I tried answering them as best as I could by giving them the so-called "college try." Anyway, let's begin!

[It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns Q&A 2019:]

 Kersten's Questions:

1) What is the most difficult part about having kept a blog this long? 

2) Who is your favorite Horror artist?

My Answers: 

1) Creating a blog is nothing compared to self-building a website full of content. All the while, trying to generate exposure and attracting the right demographic. 

Also, spambots, site, and server glitches. Those have been my biggest problems.

In addition to self-building It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns, there is managing it, generating SEO, traffic, visitors, and loyal subscribers. 

At the same time, enduring social climbing opportunists, selfish and misanthropic "friends" pretending to care about me, indifference, jealousy, envy, the bitterness of others, and copycats.

2) When it comes to Horror artists (because they are more than just Metal vocalists and guitarists), I guess I would say Rob Zombie, Glenn Danzig, and Wes Borland. Even though Wes Borland is best known as Limp Bizkit's lead guitarist, he collaborates with other bands besides fronting his own.

Tard Tardnation: What's your favorite type of weather?

Answer: I love the hot summer weather. 

Then again, I was born ~1 week before Summer Solstice. Now that it's fall, I dread having to rake leaves and shovel snow again.

Meanwhile, rain and snow help set ominous tones to my short stories, since I mostly write Psychological Horror, Crime, and Psychological Thriller.

Jesse: Do you ever use Duolingo or Babbel to help learn a new language? I've just started using Duolingo recently because I am interested in learning German.

Answer: Yes, I have heard of both Duolingo and Babbel but have never used either. 

Even though it has been years since I last took German I highly recommend the book, Komm mit! You may want to visit the 50 Languages foreign language website and download their app, too.

Much like my family, I believe it is best to traditionally learn a foreign language with drills. Using apps make for great aids but it is best to have a quality foreign language book. My youngest aunt uses Duolingo to help her with learning Japanese.

According to her, Duolingo is not the best way to become fluent in a foreign language. 

Regardless of what foreign language you want to learn, you MUST have quality foreign language books with drills to help learn a foreign language.

DJ Scott: What's your fondest memory from blogging/blog responses?

Answer: My fondest memories actually predate building It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns.

For those, who didn't already know, I originally started blogging 13 years ago on Yahoo 360. This was months after graduating from Carthage College, while STILL battling a severe bleeding disorder at the time.

My English Literature Professor sometimes used my Yahoo 360 blog as an educational source for his classes. Compared to the last 6 years of blogging on here AND Blogster, more educational information was published on my Yahoo 360 blog.

Unfortunately, all good things always come to an end. This can most definitely be said about Yahoo 360. Yahoo always discontinues their best products.

Years later, I discovered the blogging community, Xanga. I regret not discovering Xanga years sooner.

Before The Xanga Team dumped their money problems into OUR laps by making it mandatory to pay to blog, which caused division within our community, I had both national AND international traffic, friends, and loyal subscribers. 

In addition, more readers genuinely cared about my content and I made top blogger AT LEAST  a few times, 6 years ago.

C. Afflerbach: Do you like crafting? Ancient aliens? Ghosts?

My Answers: 

1) The closest I will ever get to crafting is building this website. Otherwise, I always suck at crafting. As cool as crafts look, I never had that skill. 25 years later and I still suck at doing Origami.

2) I'm not a huge fan of ghosts and aliens. Blame it on Hollywood filmmakers like Steven Spielberg, for example and the media. 

They love spreading (as I use the cliche term) "misinformation" and stupid ass stereotypes about the paranormal and extraterrestrials.

The contrived and unrealistic scripts and special effects in Spielberg's movies only validate all those skeptics, who don't believe in ghosts and aliens. 

Even though I'm not a huge fan of either, I know that both DO exist, especially the paranormal.

Whiskey Brewer: Are there any cartoons you grew up watching, that you'd actually like to see remade for youngsters nowadays?

Answer: When it comes to movies and shows, including animation, you could say, that I am more of a "purist." Today's filmmakers, writers, and animators should leave Classics alone.

Continuously remaking and rebooting movies, shows, and cartoons because they want to stay relevant only proves, that all these filmmakers lack creativity and originality.

The incessant political activism and correctness, which mostly consists of CONTRIVED tokenism to pander to politically correct hipsters are biggest problems with today's writers, filmmakers, cartoonists, musicians, etc.

Why does Ariel from The Little Mermaid suddenly have to be black?

Why does a famous superhero suddenly have to be non-heterosexual or female? 

Speaking of, have you seen the commercials for CW's Batwoman?

Batwoman Trailer CW (2019)

If anything, more network programmers should introduce younger demographics to Classics. 

Yes, they may look dated but as they get older, they might have a better appreciation for said movies, shows, and especially cartoons. They should be able to imagine what life was like during an era(s) that was before their existence.

For example, every time I watch a movie that was made before, during, and slightly after I was born, that film allows me to embrace and reflect on what life was like before we had cell phones, laptops, tablets, the Internet, social media, etc.

As a 37-year-old woman, I do miss the days of publicly socializing with friends and on my bedroom's phone line as a teenager, going to public places without someone staring at his cell phone, while playing video games on it, and being able to cherish memories WITHOUT some girl snapping selfies and recording the play by play of her vapid, daily life with poses on social media for instant praises by sycophants.

C.S. Michel's Questions:

1) Have you seen the trailer for the new Joker movie?

2) Have you seen Doom Patrol?

3) Do you like Erotic Anime?

My Answers:

1) Yes, I have and please reread my answer to Whiskey Brewer's question. The Batman franchise was meant to be campy. Since the time of the 21st Century, filmmakers have ruined Batman by dramatizing what was originally a campy franchise.

2) I had no idea what Doom Patrol was until Googling it, last week only to discover that it was ANOTHER DC Comic Flick.  

Batman, Blade, The Phantom, and The Crow are probably the only movies based on comic books that I liked. Otherwise, I was never a comic book fan. 

As as a teenage girl 20 years ago, I tried but reading comic books just don't resonate with me.

3) Erotic Anime or in other words, Hentai? Since I love Anime, I am not that fast to dismiss Hentai. It has been a long time, since I last watched any Hentai.

Over the last 13 years, I have watched more Ecchi, Seinen, and Josei Anime that somewhat border the lines of Hentai Anime than actual Hentai.

Donald's Questions:

1) Over the past year, what has been the best resource you have turned toward to promote your own growth, both personal and professional?

2) The notion of incremental improvement is a powerful one, compared to yourself a year ago how have you bettered yourself and in what ways?

3) What are the best books or lectures you have interacted with on the subject of personal development?

My Answers:

1) I would say... reading articles published by John Matthew Fox, Writer's Relief, Web Design Relief, and Authors Publish Magazine. Just last week, I read this enlightening article published by Thriller author, Joanna Penn about Comparisonitis.

2) While re-revising my short stories recently, I noticed that I am able to mentally re-edit certain lines as I type. I believe that spending HOURS editing AND revising all the blogs I've published over these last 6 years, from night to beyond sunrise made me a better writer.

Despite what pompous elitists (including a few delusional Fan Fiction writers) think, BLOGGING is a fantastic way to improve writing skills. Blogging is journaling for the most part.

3) Please reread Answer #1.

So, how did I do with answering all your questions?

By giving it the "good ol' college try," I answered each question to the best of my ability.

If I misunderstood your questions, I apologize. However, I will NOT apologize for MY opinions in regards to today's Hollywood entertainment and how political correctness is destroying it with contrived tokenism.

So, thank you my gumdrops! Please leave your feedback in the comments section below!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns Q&A 2017 {Part 1}

How's it going my gumdrops? Today is the 4th anniversary of me building as well as launching It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns. Throughout these last 4 years, It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns has been through numerous changes.

Last week, I had my friend, DJ Scott from make some alterations to the home page design. There is now a bat laying dead next to the dead unicorn, while a crow is flying in the company of those hailing gumdrops.

Once again like last year, there have been lesser questions for me to answer. As I went through your questions, I noticed this year is also more like a so-called "Sausage Party." This really should not be a surprise to me.

Since the time of being a Radio DJ at WIPZ in 2002, my audience was ALWAYS male-dominated. 

It always felt as if my hobbies, interests, and views hardly ever resonated with most women. It has been this way for YEARS. 

Typically, I have more in common with men than with women. Most men were usually more loyal to me than women were, in the platonic sense. 

They still are today. If this does NOT say something, it really should.

Regarding the amount I questions I have answered from subscribers these last 2 years, just because I have less to answer now, doesn't necessarily mean other people don't have any questions. Quantity is not always quality.

Anyway, to celebrate the 4th anniversary of It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns, here are the questions I answered:

It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns 2017 Q&A [Part 1:]

Jesse: I have received new e-mail notifications about the new Song Saturday and Cartoon Sunday blogs, but they're invisible on this website. I can't find them and don't know why. Am I the only one with this problem?

Answer: No, Jesse you were NOT  the only person having these problems. As of 2 days ago, you should be able to see the newest blogs on the main page.

Whenever I send new e-mail notifications, I send shortened weblinks for you to copy and paste. Those same links send you directly to those blogs. Here are the latest blogs:

Cartoon Sunday: Edgar Allan Poe's The Cask Of Amontillado [OMG! HE TALKS!] (2015)

Song Saturday: Tristania's My Lost Lenore (2017)

Donald's Questions:

1) In what way do you think you have grown as a content creator?

2) What would you do differently, if you were given the chance to go back and alter your course?

3) With the knowledge you have accumulated over the years, what would be your words of advice for other aspiring content creators?

My Answers:

1) During the '90s, only the "computer geeks" had their own websites. Now, it is important for us entrepreneurs and entertainers to have our own sites for gaining exposure.

Technology has advanced immensely, over the last 3 decades. It continues to do so. Today anyone can build his/her own site whether having a degree in Graphic Design, Computers, or not.

Over these last 4 years, I've learned so much as a content creator. Before ever building a site, I was not the most tech savvy. Had someone told me 20 years ago, that I would build my own website to blog on it in the future, I would've scoffed, rolled my eyes, and dismissed it.

I learned how to build It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns by watching's YouTube tutorials. I continue to learn something new everyday.

2) Since the time The Xanga Team dumped their own money problems on us and caused division within the community in 2013, I have REALLY struggled to generate national and international traffic to my blogs these last 4 years.

After learning what I know now, I should've joined Xanga 10 YEARS or so before the original website shut down and relaunched on WordPress, years ago. Like most Xangans, I miss Xanga 1.0 as well.

I really should've learned how to build my own website MUCH sooner in 2013, while gaining more subscribers for an e-mail list, after the original announcement about Xanga shutting down. It would've been so much better than joining a highly divisive, flaky, and temperamental blogging community like Blogster.

Song Saturday was the best quality about Blogster. Otherwise, that community is a standoffish, Baby Boomer dominated community with a high turnover of bloggers.

3) Like I have said countless times in the past, you have to really love what you do. This is similar to being that so-called "starving artist." If you are PASSIONATE about building your own website and publishing your content, it takes a LOT  of time, energy, patience, and usually money.

If you are only building your own website for the sake of status and vanity, DON'T waste yours and OTHER people's time social climbing, copycatting, and acting like a pretentious, attention whore because you saw someone like yours truly with a site.

Yes, somebody else can always build your website or whatever it is, that you want for you. 

However, once I learned how to build It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns by watching tutorials on YouTube, I have a much greater pride, appreciation, and respect for the professionals, that get paid to build websites. Also, I find it fun learning as I go with managing this website because I discover something new everyday.

DJ Scott's Questions:

1) What is your favorite Beavis and Butt-Head episode and why

2) What is your favorite new animation and why?

My Answers:

1) You asked 2 hard questions. Even as a woman in my mid-30's, I still laugh my ass off watching Beavis and Butt-Head.

There was 1 particular episode of Beavis and Butt-Head, which showed Butt-Head throwing the trash can at Beavis and knocking him unconscious. My other favorite episode is "Take A Number."

"Take A Number" featured Beavis and Butt-Head at a Rock concert. It had 2 female characters with the same traits as them. Although, this is my favorite scene:

{My Favorite Scene}: Beavis and Butt-Head "Take A Number" (1995)

That scene NEVER gets old!

2) Honestly, I don't have any right now, UNLESS American Dad counts on TBS. Most of my time is spent hunting for animation to share for Cartoon Sunday blogs, that I find on YouTube, if not something from Japan like an Anime. Adult Swim does not air too many cartoons I want to watch, unless they are cartoons on the weekends.

Marquis DeBlood: What started your obsession with Anime?

Answer: I am not nearly as obsessed with Japanese animation as I used to be. When I did marathon Anime years ago, I still watched a wide variety of animation and I love sharing some of that variety in Cartoon Sunday blogs.

During the mid-80's as a toddler, I was already exposed to Japanese animation. It started with the Mecha Anime, Robotech. This was YEARS before Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, the Toonami block, Chiller TV, Syfy, and other cable/satellite networks were launched.

It was not until the early 21st Century, that Anime (also known as "Japanimation" during the '90s), reached its pinnacle.

Originally, Anime was scarce on TV, at video stores, and the Internet. That was until more cable networks took an interest in them. It wasn't until 11-12 years ago, that I discovered other types of Anime genres and sub-genres existed for different sexual orientations, age, and gender demographics.

Shonen Jump Action Anime have been the most popular for the last 20-30 + years in The West. That's what is normally shown on Cartoon Network and Adult Swim. They ignore other genres, sub-genres, female, and age demographics.

At Carthage College, I wrote my Junior Symposium on Shojo Anime and Manga. 

Creative Writing, Sociology, Japanese Culture, Language, History, and Religion were all covered in my symposium.

Most of my favorite primetime shows were canceled and had series finales, 10-11 years ago. This was especially when shows I really invested in were constantly being canceled. After graduating in 2006, I discovered there was a plethora of Anime online for fans to watch.

Between 2006 to 2010, I took a so-called "pause" from most primetime shows and marathoned online streams of Anime. In addition, I started watching more of it on Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Fuse TV, Colours TV, IFC, SciFi, Starz, and wait for it... Chiller TV. 

After those networks stopped airing Anime except for Adult Swim, I continued to stream it online. 

Over these last 5 years, I am far behind on the latest Anime titles which released in Japan. 

Because you are a Horror fan like yours truly, I believe you would really enjoy the Horror Anime genre.

This concludes Part 1 of this Q&A blog. I am really surprised to see there were no Horror or music questions asked. Tomorrow, I will continue with Victor's question.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What Is WRONG With Wisconsin?! The Ridiculousness Of Job Hunting

This blog was originally published on Xanga March 26, 2013.


Hey Xangans! Both on and offline, I have discussed how ridiculous it has been trying to find a job a lot throughout the last 7 years. 

The last time I worked was 4 1/2 years ago. Throughout my early to late 20's, I have struggled to find temporary to permanent work. 

Growing up during the 1980's and 1990's, I was ALWAYS told "Stay in school, don't be a fool," and if I attended college, I would be wealthy, have a better career, and an education.

Well, here I am at 30 going on 31 years old. My BA is in Asian Studies and my Minor is in Creative Writing. I attended a prestigious college YET  have little to show for it. 

My chapbook is bound at a supposed Mid-Western "Ivy League College." That same college has also been listed in The Princeton Review. 

Nevertheless, my student loans have been in deferment, since graduating in 2006. I was supposed to study abroad in Japan my college senior year but fell ill, during my last semester. I purposely attended college to pursue a career in Writing and Japanese Consecutive Translation.

In 6th grade, I was introduced to Japanese and took it, throughout 7th-12th grade. During all 4 years of high school, I earned Achiever's Awards for taking Japanese. Our Japanese teachers considered me to be the "star pupil" of Japanese classes.

In addition, classmates had a great resentment towards yours truly for always getting 3 Japanese Awards each year and for usually breaking our classroom's curve. They nick named me "The Curve Breaker" for this very reason. That's not including being a female of color.

Before graduating, we regularly translated English to Japanese and vice versa. Because I was 1 of 2 classmates with the ability to translate both languages, I considered pursuing a career in Translation. Then, I thought about how much I enjoyed writing poems and short stories.

Eventually, I researched colleges, which offered degrees of my personal interests. There were several colleges 12 years ago, offering Japanese and Creative Writing.

After conducting additional research on these specific colleges, I realized that most of those institutions annually ran ~$30,000 for tuition and fees. This made me feel hesitant.

My mother didn't have money to put me through college. This led to me applying for financial aid, which allowed me to take out student loans and grants. I never wasted time applying for scholarships.

Besides the fact, that students can easily lose their scholarships all because of a slightly dropping grade point average, I didn't want to be like all the other entitled students, depending on scholarships to get into college.

It was already outrageous enough constantly hearing racist stereotypes and jokes about minorities getting into college because of Affirmative Action and for playing Sports. Instead of doing any of that, I took baby steps.

To get better acquainted with college, I attended a 2-year community college (MATC) for 1 year my college freshman year. 

Then, I transferred to my first 4-year college, which was UW-Parkside located in Salem, WI. Originally, the university claimed they offered Japanese. 

After transferring to Parkside, Admissions told me that I could take Japanese at Carthage, which is literally 5-10 minutes away from UW-Parkside. 

If Parkside did not claim in their course catalog, that they offered Japanese, I would've completely transferred to Carthage anyway. This led to me doing the Cross Registration Program. 

There was a grandfather's clause between both UW-Parkside and Carthage College. 

As long as the student was enrolled full-time with at least 12 credits, the same student could freely attend the other college for additional credits.

Fundamentally, I juggled two 4-year colleges at once and attended 3 colleges within the same year; I started college at 19 years old and was on my 3rd college at 20.

Shortly after transferring to both UW-Parkside and Carthage College, I became a College Radio DJ/Hostess for my own radio show, All Things Frightening. I wanted to be a DJ, since 14 years old. Luckily, that dream position fell into my lap.

While doing my laundry in UW-Parkside's Ranger Hall Dorm, I met this guy in the campus laundry room. He told me, that he was a Radio DJ searching for a "Special Guest Co-Host" for his show. Gradually, I took him up on his offer to be his "Special Guest Co-Host."

Then, he made me fill out tons of forms, before co-hosting. His radio show was more of a Sports Talk Show with periodic music. If you're not a Sports fan, you would've thought it was extremely boring.

Eventually, I started complaining on the air. I cannot remember all my exact words 11 years ago, but I remember saying something along the lines of, "Dude, why don't you play Fear Factory or something? All this talking about Sports is boring me to tears! Zzzz!"

His regular co-host was almost in stitches LIVE from laughing at me on air. I was bored out my mind and I didn't care about any Sports discussion. Gradually, they started playing more music.

After their radio show ended that night, I received a phone call 1 week later, on my dorm phone. The manager wanted me to attend a radio station meeting. So, long story short, I became a Radio DJ/Hostess.

At that time, it was SO unreal. I was living 1 of my 3 dream jobs. It would've been so MUCH better, if UW-Parkside's campus radio station went full power because we could've been paid. Being a Disk Jockey was labeled as "Voluntary Work" on campus.

Considering, that we were required to know how to work radio station equipment and censor music live for FCC regulations, we SHOULD'VE collected a paycheck. 

I had a college friend that same year at Parkside, who was paid to be a nude model for $12 an hour yet we weren't paid to know how to work radio station equipment.

Being a Radio DJ/Hostess at Parkside had its advantages and disadvantages. It was cool having total access to a music library of old and new releases, playing songs from any music genre(s) and sub-genre(s) I wanted uncensored and LIVE after 10 pm was fantastic. This included albums premieres, as long as they were either pre-censored albums, or censored on air before 10pm.

Sometimes I ended up hosting DJ Madness, which was during Safe Harbor Time. Safe Harbor started at 10pm and we could play uncensored music. Because songs were being heard both locally and online, we had to censor them. 

DJ Madness was usually, when all the DJ's partied at the radio station, co-hosted, and played uncensored music. Sometimes we ordered in pizza from Papa John's.

On the other hand, my personal disadvantages started outweighing my advantages. I later had to listen to horrible demo tapes.

Being objectified, battling sexual harassment, sexism, misogyny, overblown male egos on the job, post 9/11 racism, and 2 creepy manwhores stalking me around Parkside's campus led to me withdrawing from UW-Parkside 10 years ago. The post 9/11 racism and stalking especially hurt my housing situation.

In order to regroup from being stalked and the post 9/11 racism, during the first 25 days of my original 1st semester of my junior year, I HAD to withdraw from not only UW-Parkside, but also Carthage College.

Within days, I re-applied to other colleges. I dealt with my fair share of rejections from grandiose and pretentious institutions. Later, it dawned on me.

Since I was already a part-time commuting student at Carthage College, I already had an academic standing. This led to me re-applying. Luckily, I was able to convert from a part-time Carthage commuting student to a full-time on campus student.

After transferring again, I failed to assimilate. Parkside had students attending from all walks of life. Meanwhile, Carthage consisted of a few townies, foreign exchange students, and mostly pretentious, new money, and extremely entitled, trust fund brats from IL with grandfather's clauses.

Carthage College originated in Carthage, IL. During the 1960's, Carthage relocated to Downtown Kenosha, WI. I felt as if I was in those John Hughes '80s Teen Angst films like The Breakfast Club and Pretty In Pink, my last 2 years at Carthage. That was how sickening most of the student body was on that campus.

I only miss the cuisine meals, fast food restaurants on campus, very few professors, and meeting comedians and public figures.

The classism and struggling to assimilate at Carthage College made my chances to be hired for campus jobs more difficult. Enduring Baby Boomer white women for gatekeepers working in HR and privileged trust fund brats being immediately grandfathered into working on campus because their family previously attended Carthage was a losing battle before getting started.

Other students I personally knew, including my high maintenance drama queen of a roommate monopolized ALL the student jobs. She alone already monopolized 5 of the campus jobs, when I couldn't get 1 simple job.

She had a 3.99 GPA, double majored in Music, collected disability, grants, and scholarships. This was along with graduating with Honors. She's also white.

Several months before my personal health scare, during the 1st semester of my college senior year, I applied to be an on campus Tour Guide. 

While on my way to a class or buying something to eat, alumini from The Silent Generation, at least several years or so older than my grandparents CONSTANTLY stopped me for on campus directions to certain buildings. 

Otherwise, I was usually the only student on my way to either shop inside our campus bookstore, or to a restaurant, if not going to an office for something.

Some would assume by the time a student became a senior, that he/she would have seniority over student positions. That was NEVER my situation. 

I applied to be a Tour Guide only to be snubbed and overlooked for a freshman.  


Because her mother was a Carthage sorority sister decades ago, she was automatically grandfathered to work at Carthage College.

Based on what I have already told you, I am constantly being overlooked for jobs. It never fails. Regardless of my race/ethnicity, gender, qualifications, etc, I am not the only person suffering from these exact same problems.

We can continue blaming who's the president at the time and the economy, until we are blue in the face. The overall problem is women working in HR. THEY are the gatekeepers.

Whenever I read job classifieds in the newspapers and apply for jobs on and offline, these employers have unrealistic expectations and job requirements. I always read the Clerical position ads from companies and they usually want candidates to have 2+20 years work experience and a GED.

I am amazed by employers at some companies expecting their candidates to know how to use Powerpoint, have a GED, and 2+20 years of work experience. They also expect someone to work at a job, which only pays $7.50-$8.00 per hour. Seriously?

Their expectations are just as bad as a woman dating some bad boy from the trailer park or the hood and expecting him to miraculously have a Ph.D. 

Then again, what am I talking about? Those ARE the same people working in HR, right now!

A lot of companies especially run scams and feed us unemployed people bogus lies. Some of you would be absolutely amazed at the number of job interviews I have attended for certain positions. 

I get ready for a Clerical job interview or something else (depending on the ad). Suddenly, that interview later becomes an interview for a completely different position than what they advertised.

The last "interview" I attended was supposed to be for a Receptionist position, last December. That same company sent me an e-mail about my so-called "group job interview" being scheduled in the evening for a "Promoter position."

I really loved that they included in their message, "IT'S NOT A SALES POSITION. IT'S A PROMOTER POSITION." That line was a total lie. 

Anyone with some common sense knows, that promotions is a part of sales. I called and e-mailed them several times. They would NOT give me a straight answer.

I ended up going to the supposed "group job interview." It was nothing except a group meeting, searching for Door-To-Door Canvassers. 

I told those morons, that I applied for a Receptionist position, as they sat there with their dumb ass facial expressions.

The "meeting" was so preposterous that 2 of the men, who originally sat next to me ghosted without me noticing. There were also 2 girls, who literally ran outside the building, and another guy walked outside the building with a disgusted look on his face, while complaining on his cell phone.

So, my fellow Xangan friends, viewers, and subscribers, has any of this ever happened to you?