Friday, November 6, 2015

What's That? Entertainment Media Is MORE Popular Than Social Media Among Teens?!

How's it going my gumdrops? The other day on my local news, I learned that Generation Z teenagers spend more time with entertainment media than using social media.

Just to warn you in advance, I noticed that my local CBS ripped this report from the news rag channel, CNN. Therefore, you can take it or leave it. I don't sit around watching CNN or any other national news channel for that matter. 

CBS 58: "Teens Spend 9 Hours A Day Using Media, Report Says"

As I was saying, the Generation Z teenagers are supposedly spending more time enjoying entertainment media than social media. Thank you, God!

In a way, I'm somewhat relieved to hear this news (if it's actually true) because it would mean that Generation Z still enjoys being entertained as opposed to being brainwashed and bored into oblivion by self-righteous, wannabe "political activists."

It has been at least 15 years, since I was last a teenager. Throughout the decades, most teenagers were normally interested in entertainment and fashion, anyway.

Unlike what students have been forced to do over these last 11 years, those of us in our early 30's-50's were NOT  necessarily required to militantly march around our campuses and across the country with our high school teachers and professors to protest religions, wars, and presidents we hated and/or condemned them for classroom assignments. 

Furthermore, it was not an extreme requirement to be politically correct 24/7. We had enough of our own personal problems to endure.

Speaking of militant educators from personal experience, I had a Baby Boomer English Lit. professor, who had political hatred for both Bush Administrations. He especially hated The Reagans and every Conservative Republican in existence. This is dating back to 2005.

Before entertainment was ruined by the politically divisive media and self-righteous, politically divisive, Hollywood "activists," we made the most out of our adolescence by socializing, dating, shopping, and enjoying entertainment with or without friends. 

Everyone did not have cell phones and if you had your own phone line to your bedroom (like moi), that was still pretty cool. Wow! Life without a cell phone. What a shocker!

Entertainment's original purpose was for escapism. Now, it is more of a platform for attention whores, political propaganda, and self-righteous, wannabe political activists.

Before 2003 and 2004, there was no such thing as MySpace or Facebook. During the 1990's and early 21st Century, the closest to social networking were forums and blogging forums. It was great!

We didn't have to take selfies every God damn second for literally every stranger around the world to validate our physical appearances. We had our own physical scrapbooks and photo albums to hold onto our memories WITHOUT  being online for the whole world to see us for validation.

Also, it was NOT  a requirement for us to broadcast the vapid play by play of our daily lives and/or politically and religiously oppress each others' views. Oppression and spying with divisive tools is the way to be today. Oh, how lovely.

It is a disgrace that Generation Z teenagers must have sharents and helicopter parents friending them on social media sites because they want to spy on everything their sons and daughters say and do. 

If today's parents can't trust their teenagers and younger children, they should NOT  have social media accounts.

Teenagers value their freedom from their parents and don't want their parents EAVESDROPPING.

Meaning, they want to talk amongst their friends about crushes, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. without their parents constantly eavesdropping into their conversations.

Remember when parents, mainly MOTHERS would eavesdrop by listening to their sons/daughters talking on landline phones?

Landline phones were replaced with Facebook walls and other social media sites with walls for teenagers to have their conversations with friends, boyfriends, and girlfriends online.

Granted, a nice portion of their discussions are usually PUBLIC. However, they have more control over who they allow on their friends list and who can see their posts. 

This especially can be said for IM chat features. Aside from the privacy features on social media sites, teenagers really DON'T  need to be on social media sites because there's too many creeps online.

Considering that I'm old enough to have my own 8th grader, I would only allow my son or daughter to use the Internet for homework assignments and research. There are a lot of sociopaths, pedophiles, serial killers, and other types of lowlife criminals using the Internet.

If the Internet is NOT safe for adults, why would it be any safer for minors?

This may sound like I'm contradicting myself, but just think about it. Lately, adults are proving to be just as careless and irresponsible as teenagers. 

I can understand why parents eavesdrop on their teenagers' conversations. At the same time, teenagers still value their privacy.

Regarding teenagers and entertainment, they should be like the typical teenagers. In other words, they should be watching TV, listening to music, talking to their friends on the phone, NOT  texting and sexting them to cause huge backlash. 

Teenagers should also have their typical sleepovers, parties, DATES, etc. They have their entire lives to be adults. Therefore, they should be enjoying their adolescence, while they still can. Tomorrow is promised to NO ONE.

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