Monday, April 28, 2014

It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns: Q&A #1

How's it going my gumdrops? I have been in the middle of updating 2 of my previously published Q&A blogs on my website, It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns. 
Since I have been experiencing glitches and because the original version had a large amount of content, the Q&A blogs are being transferred to Blogger.

This Q&A blog was originally published on April 28th, 2014.

How's it going my gumdrops? As you already know, I mentioned last week, that I would publish my Q&A blog today on It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns. Here are the questions, that I've answered:

Mimikoko's Question: I was always curious about your Asian Studies. I fell head over heals in love with girlie J pop a few years ago and, a while later, with K pop. I was wondering how it was you came into Asian Studies and if you have managed to use any part of that in your daily activities or making a living.

Answer: I was exposed to Japanese in 6th grade. My middle school teachers taught 6th graders different languages each quarter. 

Once I started taking Japanese, I loved it. Japanese is a great challenge and a unique language. 

I took my 1st entire year of Japanese in 7th grade and I continued all throughout high school. Some of my high school classmates labeled me "The Curve Breaker" because I almost always broke our classroom's curve. 

Not that my peers couldn't learn Japanese. They reveled in being self-entitled, juvenile delinquents and making our teachers cry. 

They were such terrors, that our teachers annually quit. My classmates did this non-stop for 5 years (7th-11th grade). By the time of my senior year, Japanese was removed from my high school. However, I took the initiative to contact 1 of our Japanese teachers and I took Japanese as an Independent Study. 

During my adolescence, I wanted to become a Japanese Consecutive Translator/Creative Writer.

I took Spanish, German, and Japanese, during my college years. However, I always excelled in Japanese. I attended 3 colleges by the time I was 20 years old. At 20, I became a Radio DJ and hosted my own college radio show (All Things Frightening), while attending UW-Parkside full-time and Carthage College part-time, simultaneously.

Then, I completely transferred to Carthage College for the Japanese Major. At the last minute, I was forced to change my major to Asian Studies because the Japanese Major required students to study abroad for 6-12 months. I could not afford to study abroad. 

During that time, we had 2 deaths in my immediate family, my grandmother had a Triple Heart Bypass Surgery, and I acquired a severe bleeding disorder, which I have been cured of these last 3 years.

Anyway, having an Asian Studies Degree, I can become an Academic Advisor, Journalist, Writer, Teacher, Translator, work in Sociology, Politics, and even Media. It really depends on what he/she wants to do with a degree in Asian Studies.

In addition to learning the Japanese language, I learned about Japanese and Asian cultures and religions. IL has more Japanese people and companies than here in WI, which puts me at a disadvantage. 

Regardless, I can still use my Asian Studies Degree, since I learned about other Asians, their histories, cultures, religions, architectures, and art.

Victor Da Silva's Questions:

1) What are your thoughts on the actor, who plays TOM (Steve Blum) from the animation block, Toonami? Had you ever heard of him outside of shows you like? If so, do you have a personal agenda against him or had you not seen the shows he was on, aside from the elephant in the room, Cowboy Bebop? Have you ever met him at an Anime convention in your area or were you too busy with other things?

Answer: I have nothing against Steven Jay Blum. I like and respect him as a voice actor. No, I have never met him or attended any conventions. 

I didn't know, who Blum was until Scryed aired on Adult Swim, 10 years ago. Back then, I was in college and barely had time, much less privacy. 

I never liked Cowboy Bebop and I still cannot understand the hype. Steven Jay Blum has voiced many characters over the years. I miss him as Orochimaru on Naruto and Naruto Shippuden.

2) If you were to unintentionally meet Jason DeMarco in real life and had one thing to say, what would you tell him and why do you need to see him face to face?

Answer: I don't need to see Jason DeMarco in person. I can take or leave him. However, if I bumped into him, I would ask, "Will you ever acknowledge your female audience again, or are you going to keep ignoring as being a part of your viewer ratings?"

Marie Moore's Question: Why don't you put up any pictures of yourself?

Answer: This has been a common question over these last 3 years. I have endured trolls, cyber stalkers, opportunists, and creeps on social networking sites and forums within the last 2-4 years.

In fact, 4 years ago, I belonged to SOAPnet's General Hospital sub-forum. A troll, who has Fibromyalgia, had the audacity to make a mock prayer thread about my disabled mother. This was literally 1 day after my mother was released from the hospital.

My mother collapsed from strong medication, that her quack doctor prescribed and had a seizure. Not only that, but the poster also accused me of having a Facebook account. 

Her friend IMPERSONATED me on Facebook and claimed, that I insulted that troll with Fibromyalgia behind her back.

4 years ago, I didn't have a Facebook account. I did NOT  make my account, until 3 years ago. It was originally to reconnect with high school friends and classmates, since our 10-year class reunion was approaching. I purposely use my high school pseudonym and pre-blocked past trolls, stalkers, slanderers, high school bullies, frenemies, opportunists, cat callers, womanizers, exes, and simply people I can't stand. 

I bet I have 1,000 people on my block list.

I especially endure cat callers and random creeps inboxing me for nudie pics, cyber sex, etc. Besides, I am not somebody, who requires a gajillion selfies, and I'm surely not desperately seeking validation about my sexiness like most people (typically women) today.

Since the time I was a teenager, I always hid from cameras. My birth name is on my Horror-Punks URL. Yesterday, some creep on cat called my old Yahoo avatar.

Jesse Steele's Question: Have you ever met any famous people in real life? If so, who are they?

Answer: Yes, I've met Elaine Browne (a former Black Panther) and Charlie Murphy (Eddie Murphy's brother). 

The Dave Chappelle cast was at Carthage College doing their stand-up comedian tour, 10 years ago. 

Also, Def Comedy Jam's Tony Tone did a skit about me 8 years ago, in his stand-up.

He joked about my Demonia boots. My boots have a Steampunk/Fetish Goth appearance. Tone called me "Bigfoot from Wauwatosa" and claimed, that me and my college female friend could supposedly end the war in Iraq with her hat and my boots.

The month after we met Tony Tone, we met Eric Nieves. Because his show was just before Valentine's Day my college senior year, he asked us women in the audience what qualities we looked for in men. I shouted, "HE'S GOTTA HAVE ALL HIS TEETH!!!"  Eric did a spit take of his water on stage, while laughing at me.

I have met several comedians, political, and public figures in person. I almost met Jamie Kennedy my college senior year but my guy friend made me late.

I waited for my friend to return to campus, before Jamie did his stand-up. I was early for the stand-up but it was too late to meet him, before his show.

Thepowerman187's Question: In less than 700 words or so, tell us why you write the stories you do?

Answer: I write short stories that I believe other readers would be interested in reading. Some stories are about my past experiences, as well as other people's. I even add some twists to my stories to make them more appealing. 

The more I think about it, my work is mostly for the young adult audience, who enjoy reading Semi-Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Horror, and Thriller.

My grandmother nitpicks about my non-"Christian" short stories because she's more of a Legalistic Christian. Meanwhile, my mother doesn't really care about what I write, as long as it's entertaining.

isolateX's Question: I notice you have more than one account to put out your work and recruit followers. What is your goal concerning all these accounts (not sure how many you have)? Is it to get your writing recognized? Will you be making another account like It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns or are you just satisfied with that one? Also, do you have any books written?

Answer: Please read It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns' main page. I explain more about myself and my chapbook. 

I have multiple accounts and It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns is mostly for writing exposure. I don't have all my stories shared on here. Although, I do have "Across The Street" posted on my "Horror/Thriller" page.

Only members can read it. My blogs are mostly public. Meanwhile, I don't plan on making another website, right now. I spend 8 HOURS managing It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns alone.

Anonymous Questions:

1) If you were dating someone, and one of your former friends was harassing them, would you tell them to back off, even if your partner had already blocked them? Would you still tell them to back off just to basically show your support to your partner?

Answer: Yes, I would. I would also block the frenemy afterward. 

The block list is my biggest Cyber BFF. It's also what I like to call my Cyber Shit List. I have more people on my block list than I do "friends." I don't care to be everyone's friend. This is especially when there are so many crybabies and temperamental flakes online.

2) Would you continue to date someone even if you loved them but your personalities constantly clashed and you felt unfulfilled at times?

Answer: No, I have done the toxic relationships too many times, when I was in my 20's. 

The constant fighting and dating somebody with jealousy issues is exhausting. That's not including dating someone, who's lifestyle, views, and interests are completely incompatible. The whole "opposites attract" is a myth.

If opposites really attract, why are there so many people, who are divorced and/broken up today?

People DON'T  have to date someone, who is exactly like them but if their lifestyles, views, personalities, and interests always clash, it's exceedingly rare, that those relationships will be long lasting.

3) What are your biggest pet peeves?

Answer: I could make a laundry list of my pet peeves. I am notorious for my complaints around family and old college friends. What's been annoying me most recently are a few things:

1. I'm tired of dealing with people, who are my friends on Monday. Then, on Tuesday, they're not only because I said something they dislike.

2. This somewhat applies to people, who get defensive about something incredibly petty and

3. people, who love being in denial about their own pasts or what their asshole friends have said and/done. 

Regardless if it has nothing to do with me, people really need to stop sweeping everything under the rug and acknowledge their faults. NOBODY is perfect, but it does not mean we should NOT acknowledge our own faults.

4. Pretending to support me and my website. If readers choose NOT  to join my website, that's their personal right. They're always welcome to visit the Guestbook on It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns.

At the same time, false supporters should NOT  be surprised, when I do NOT support their views, hobbies, lifestyles, attend their events, "Like" every selfie (whether they are drunk or sober in it) they post online, and whatever else they say or do.

5. People drunk dialing and/or inboxing me and expect me to not be aggravated. I hated whenever boozehounds drunk dialed me in college, when I was in the middle of sleeping. 

It is even more obnoxious now, that I am in my 30's and there are boozehounds (usually men) inboxing and arguing with me online, while I am in the middle of doing something and have already been warned.

I don't care how drunk they are. It only shows me and other people, that they can't handle their own liquor and/or lives. 

Then, after their family, friends, co-workers, bosses, etc. lose respect for them, they want to whine.

Whenever I drank, I was NEVER drunk. At the most, I was buzzed. Most people today only drink just to have an excuse to get drunk and rely on their liquid courage to say what they really feel about something or someone. I don't waste time dealing with drunken, cowardly, zombies.

This is it for Q&A blog #1. Stay tuned for the next Q&A!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

[RANT]: Love Stinks When You're Single On Valentine's Day

How's it going lurkers? These last several days, especially yesterday I have not been as talkative online. Blog community hunting, enduring advertisers and mainstream media cramming Valentine's Day down my throat, and getting into a fight with a friend don't exactly mesh too well.

Yesterday was already an emotional roller coaster and Valentine's Day really sent me over the edge. Not that I didn't get any presents for Valentine's Day because I got several.

A new lounge pants set, chocolate candy, an extra pair of lounge pants with snowflakes, hearts, and skulls on them (which I am currently wearing), and food from Taco Bell.

After being told that my favorite Taco Bell Burrito (The Volcano Burrito) was discontinued, I was a little upset.

Taco Bell's Volcano Burrito had rice, cheese, nacho strips, sour cream, spicy hot cheese sauce, and obviously ground beef in it.

Since my family spent a lot of time and money trying to make Valentine's Day special for moi, I didn't want to complain. 

There really wasn't enough money for me to buy them anything for Valentine's Day.

Last year, I won free Galaxy Desserts Chocolate Mousse Cupcakes via Facebook from the Dating With Dignity page. I wasn't expecting to win anything, last Valentine's Day.

Nonetheless, I did and shared my cupcakes with my immediate family. Because they spent so much time and money on me yesterday, I just washed the dishes.

After signing back into Facebook last night, I was in a bad mood again. I had to sit and look at some of my friends' wedding pictures, their "I love my husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend" statuses, obnoxious Valentine's Day articles, advertisements, etc. Ugh! ENOUGH, ALREADY!

You are probably thinking, "So what? If you don't like it, don't look" or something along those lines. 

This Valentine's Day week has been on my last nerve. Local TV stations, commercials, biased news anchors, the media, and social media are generally to blame for this.

Our EXTREMELY  biased local news reporters kept reporting about Valentine's Day and couples, which only poured salt into invisible wounds.

Those of us eternal bachelors, bachelorettes, widows, widowers, those who are only conveniently dating, or in a contrived "committed relationship," and being unable to celebrate with their significant others, or have no one are BARELY acknowledged. 

It's infuriating!

If I have to listen to or read that same bullshit about "Valentine's Day is just a Hallmark Holiday. Why celebrate love once a year, when couples should celebrate their relationships everyday?", I'm gonna bitchslap somebody!

Here's what these people don't understand: Valentine's Day is mostly Christmas for COUPLES. Albeit, Valentine's Day is mostly Show & Tell Day for women.

Whether we are in relationships or NOT, we are forced to be shown and told about how great someone's man is to her because he bought her fill in the blank, showed he DOES listen to a single word she says by doing something romantic, creative, etc.

It's not that Valentine's Day is necessarily a woman's Show & Tell Holiday because men are given presents as well.

Valentine's Day in Japan is nicknamed "Chocolate Day." Basically, it is a man's Show & Tell Holiday in Japan. What a twist!

Japanese females either buy chocolate candy, or custom make it for whoever they have a crush on and give them chocolate candy as Valentine's Day presents.

Females also give their female friends "obligatory chocolate." If you have ever watched Anime, you'll understand what I mean.

Then, March 14th is White Day. White Day is the female version of Valentine's Day.

Those, who were given chocolate, must do something special for females, who gave it to them. 

This could be a treat to an onsen (hot spring), or buy or do something special for them.

Regardless, singles and couples celebrate Valentine's Day. Japan is only celebrating it differently than in Western countries.

As an American woman, I take Valentine's Day personally. It's mostly because I'm constantly having to endure people intentionally pouring salt into my wounds.

The last guy I dated was 8 years ago. My last ex-boyfriend was a womanizing crooked cop. He committed hate crimes, loved playing highly offensive and deplorable pranks on people, and was a cheapskate.

I was matchmade to be with that loser mostly because my oversexed friend's boyfriend at the time, planned our blind date. I dated that scumbag for 3 months. 

He had ZERO respect for me because that womanizing crooked cop cared more about how he could strategize ways to get an ethnically ambiguous college girl drunk enough to have sex with him on his mind.

That piece of shit automatically assumed that I was a dumb and naive, slutty college freshman, when I was a senior and 2 years OLDER than HIM. 

During the 3 months of dating each other, he didn't even care about the fact that I was in the middle of enduring a severe menstrual bleeding disorder the night after I met him.

Luckily, I NEVER had sex with the creep, especially since he was NEVER the type of guy I would've EVER dated in a million years, had an unattractive personality and physique.

My highly oversexed friend's boyfriend wanted to play matchmaker and force chemistry between us. 

You can't force chemistry between 2 people. They either have chemistry, or they don't.

I'm convinced that womanizing crooked cop was a curse to my health before I graduated from Carthage.

Instead of him buying me anything for Valentine's Day, he was supposedly "working late." Then, 2 months after I dumped him, he told me about how he knocked up his fuck buddy, shacked up with her, and got married. I bitched him out.

Valentine's Day 2007, he felt the need to e-mail me and 3 other women about his new born daughter's baby pictures. 

I ended up sending him another angry message and blocked his ass.

I would've dumped that asshole sooner in 2006, but my highly oversexed friend kept begging me to give him another chance.

My crooked cop ex and several other exes are the driving forces behind me writing "All Of Chastity's Men." How's that for an Anti-Valentine's Day Story? There really should be more of them.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Song Saturday: Scott Weiland VS. Chester Bennington? You Decide!

How's it going my gumdrops? I just finished reading both Chester Bennington from Linkin Park and Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots' biographies. Both vocalists have more in common with each other than I think most people realize.

Chester and Scott have pasts with drug abuse and being victims of sexual abuse. 

In addition to coping with drug and sexual abuse, they have performed and released albums with Stone Temple Pilots.

Speaking of Stone Temple Pilots, the band has been feuding with Scott Weiland for YEARS. 

In 2012, The DeLeo Brothers in STP claimed that he no longer has the same vocal range and versality that he used to have. They also claimed, that Scott badly performed their classic songs, during rehearsals.

Scott Weiland and Stone Temple Pilots were supposed to celebrate the band's 20th anniversary, 2 years ago.

They fired Scott, after he said he would be performing their songs on his solo tour.

Then, The DeLeo Brothers accused Scott of "taking money away from the band and essentially touring under the promotion of the STP brand."

Last year, adding insult to injury, Stone Temple Pilots not only fired Scott Weiland as their vocalist, but also replaced him with Chester Bennington from Linkin Park. Talk about a joke and a major slap in the face!

Scott Weiland resents the fact, that The DeLeo Brothers replaced him and want possession of STP songs, which he wrote.

Scott Weiland is the main reason why they are famous.

Speaking as a a longtime Stone Temple Pilots fan, I believe The DeLeo Brothers are jealous, money hungry, divisive, and downright sickening as musicians. 

Yes, Scott has serious drug problems. Who doesn't in the entertainment industry?

I am not condoning drug abuse. However, if it weren't for Scott Weiland, STP wouldn't be famous today. I remember in 1997, 3/4 Stone Temple Pilots had a side "project" called, Talk Show.

Listening to Talk Show was like listening to a generic and embarrassing version of STP.

I noticed that Talk Show didn't last very long because Scott Weiland was NOT  the vocalist. I own most of Stone Temple Pilots' albums from Core to No.4

I refused to buy their 5th album, which released in 2001 because it was really bad. I believe Scott Weiland's drug problems hurt the album and the band. 

With that being said, STP should've stayed disbanded all these years instead of trying to chase after a dollar. 

If The DeLeo Brothers wanted to make Chester Bennington their next lead singer, they should've formed another band. 

No disrespect to Chester Bennington, but he does NOT fit Stone Temple Pilots. 

I know being Stone Temple Pilots' replacement vocalist is a dream come true for him, since he was a Stone Temple Pilots fan himself. Regardless, Chester Bennington CANNOT replace Scott Weiland.

It's not that Chester lacks singing ability. If anything, he has been labeled as "Chester Bennington from Linkin Park." Linkin Park is from a different era of Rock Music than Stone Temple Pilots. 

Stone Temple Pilots was a Grunge/Alternative Rock band from the 1990's whereas Linkin Park is a Rap-Rock/Alternative Metal band with some Electronica from 2000. 

We are talking about 2 different sub-genres of Rock Music and a generational gap between fans, that Chester can't fill. 

Scott is old enough to be his older brother. This is excluding the fact, that Chester is really stiff, timid, gawky-looking, and sounds prepubescent compared to Scott being hyperactive, flamboyant yet masculine, and sounds like an older man, NOT  a teenage choir boy.

Imagine Steve Smith from American Dad. Every time I see Chester Bennington performing with Stone Temple Pilots, while trying really hard to imitate Scott Weiland's mannerisms, I see Steve Smith. 

You know, Stan's song who loves singing on Amerian Dad? That's like Chester performing with STP.

I reiterate, Chester Bennington is NOT  a bad singer. I don't hate him at all because I DO like some Linkin Park songs. 

Chester is just incompatible with Stone Temple Pilots and there is a generational gap between the STP and Linkin Park fans; He's unable to assimilate with Scott Weiland's band.

Chester Bennington may have won over SOME Stone Temple Pilots fans, but he is not going to win over the majority. I am a much bigger fan of the original STP with SCOTT Weiland than the band with Chester Bennington as their replacement vocalist.

With that being said, here are 2 different concert performances of Stone Temple Pilots' "Big Empty" for today's Song Saturday. 

On MTV's Unplugged, Scott Weiland acoustically performed "Big Empty" with STP in 1993. A few months ago, Chester Bennington performed that same song with them.

Scott Weiland VS

Linkin Park's Chester Bennington

You decide!

Monday, September 16, 2013

What Are My Thoughts About The 10 Things I Hate About You Sitcom?

This blog was originally published on Blogster September 16, 2013.


How's it going my hybrid Blogsterians? Before helping my uncle with his company yesterday, I scrolled down my TV Guide on Dish Network and recently discovered a Teen Sitcom, that I never knew existed. Apparently, ABC Family created 10 Things I Hate About You in the form of a Teen Angst Sitcom, 4 years ago.

I don't know why ABC Family created a sitcom for 10 Things I Hate About You, a decade later. During the movie's original release in 1999, I was ~17 years old.  

Much like ABC did with their sitcom adaptation of Clueless, it would've been more logical to have made a sitcom 1 year after the movie released. This is absolutely a sign, that Hollywood has been in trouble with ideas anytime they've regressed to a decade old movie and made a sitcom out of it, 4 years ago. I mean, c'mon! 

Heath Ledger just died at the time, 5 years ago and 1 year later, ABC Family chose to make a 10 Things I Hate About You sitcom. A decade after the movie? I wonder how Julia Stiles and the rest of the original cast from the movie felt about this sitcom.

I never knew this show existed, until yesterday. When I watched it, I felt as if ABC Family was trying to re-create a combination of the movies Clueless, Bring It On, and 10 Things I Hate About You, in a sitcom form. 

Like I said earlier, the sitcom for 10 Things I Hate About You was an interesting concept. I even saw that hot blonde guy, Chris Zylka. Zylka played the character, "Jake" on The Secret Circle. I think it will take time for me to adjust to watching Chris Zylka on 10 Things I Hate About You. 

I have never watched Zylka in this sitcom. I'm more used to always watching him play this dark and brooding, bad boy, warlock. Watching Chris Zylka play as some dumb jock feels weird to me. 

The actor would've been better suited to play "Patrick Verona," which was the bad boy character, that Heath Ledger originated in the movie. Chris Zylka played the bad boy character really well on The Secret Circle. Meanwhile...

I really disliked that the writers for 10 Things I Hate About You's sitcom changed Kat Stratford from being this rough, ballsy, blonde, alpha female character, that most of her peers labeled as a "heinous bitch," to a brunette. 

Don't get me wrong. I love and will ALWAYS love my fellow brunettes. However, I enjoyed Kat as a blonde. She wasn't the stereotypical, ditzy blonde, who needed to be liked by everybody throughout her high school.

The writers did not physically change Kat's sister, Bianca too much. The character was still a blonde. Although, they made Bianca seem too desperate to be popular in the series. 

In the movie, Bianca wanted to be popular but she was not so desperate to be popular, that she would've resorted to being their high school's mascot. That in itself is highly laughable for Bianca's storyline. 

Based on some of what I read on Wikipedia for the 10 Things I Hate About You sitcom, I'm amazed the show made it through 1 entire season. 

Then again, by it airing on a cable network, the sitcom had a better chance of lasting longer. I have seen ABC literally remove a series from its local network within 1 episode.

ABC's 10 Things I Hate About You's sitcom was not terrible but the writers didn't stay true to the main characters. By the sitcom's writers not staying true to the main characters, I am willing to bet most viewers 3-4 years ago were disgusted with the sitcom. 

10 Things I Hate About You has become another Teen Angst Cult Classic Film. This especially applies, when it comes to my generation. 

Hollywood really needs to leave cult classic movies and shows alone. JUST  because they can be rebooted and remade, does NOT always mean they should be. PLEASE Hollywood, leave good movies and shows alone and start being more original with your own writing.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Song Saturday: Justin Timberlake's MTV VMA Performances

This blog was originally published on Blogster August 31, 2013.

How's it going my hybrid Blogsterians? I briefly want to say thank you for your concern about my recent condition. 

Last night, I had to go lie down for a bit because my neck started spasming. I know it has been 4 days, since the time I was rear-ended on Tuesday. It seems like I have a new pain almost everyday. My back has not been hurting AS much as both my neck and right side of my waist have been hurting yesterday. My mother was talking about having me return for another doctor's appointment. 

Honestly, I don't want to leave my house to see another doctor. He/she's not going to do or tell me anything different from Tuesday evening. Besides, I don't want to be on the road again. I am STILL trying to adjust from the trauma of being hit. 

My family does NOT understand what I am going through physically, emotionally, and mentally. Anyway, that's not what I meant to discuss today. 

Since it is Song Saturday and the media will NOT shut up about Miley Cyrus' 2013 MTV VMA performance, it has completely overshadowed Justin Timberlake's. 

Considering this year's MTV VMA's ratings rose by 66% compared to last year's (mostly for Justin Timberlake and N'Sync ), I think it is only fair to give their (mostly his) performance more acknowledgment. 

After all, most watched the VMA's because Justin was receiving the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award and N'Sync fans wanted to see a reunion. 

Even though N'Sync did take the stage for at least 1 minute, it really was not much of a reunion. Earlier, I tried to find the 2001 MTV VMA performance on YouTube, that N'Sync did with the late Michael Jackson in its entirety for their song, "Dirty Pop." 

N'Sync Featuring Michael Jackson "Dirty Pop" 2001 MTV VMA's.

For those who don't know much about Justin Timberlake, Michael Jackson has always been a major influence on him. In fact, Timberlake always idolized MJ.

Michael Jackson's influence is reflected throughout most of Justin Timberlake's singing and dancing. In addition, I DID find N'Sync's 2000 MTV VMA performance.

By 2002, Justin Timberlake debuted his solo career and has been successful ever since 11 years ago. He is highly fortunate to still be this successful all these years later. 

Most Boy Band members, that become soloists, are cursed because Boy Bands have at least a 5-year shelf life. I think Justin Timberlake broke that curse (at least for himself) because he collaborated with Michael and Janet Jackson, as well as many Rappers over the last decade. 

Anyway, here's a look at Justin Timberlake before and after his days of being an N'Sync member:

1) N'Sync "This I Promise You"/"Bye Bye Bye"/"It's Gonna Be Me" Medley 2000 MTV VMA's

2) Justin Timberlake Medley 2013 MTV VMA's

Songs Featured In 2013 MTV VMA's Medley:

A. "Take Back The Night"

B. "SexyBack"

C. "Like I Love You"

D. "My Love"

E. "Cry Me A River"

F. "Señorita"

G. "Rock Your Body"

H. "Pusher Love Girl"/"Gone" Samples

I. "Girlfriend" Featuring N'Sync

J. "Bye Bye Bye" Featuring N'Sync

K. "Suit & Tie"

L. "Mirrors"

I can tell that Justin was somewhat struggling with his performance because he has been touring, since earlier this year to promote his latest album.

I wish to talk to you all very soon!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

WHAT? ANOTHER Car Accident?!

I meant to publish THIS BLOG last night, but I was rear-ended in another accident on Tuesday morning. 

In case some of you forgot, I was already hit in our driveway ~3 weeks ago, after I returned home from a doctor's appointment for my foot. 

On Tuesday morning, I was just minutes away from work. My oldest aunt and I were stopped at the intersection, when this irate asshole blew his horn at us. 2 cars were ahead of us and we couldn't go, until it was our time. Once the 2 cars ahead of us turned, we had to wait a few more minutes, since there were other cars driving passed us. 

While they were driving passed us, that asshole bumped us. The bump felt like somebody hit a gong and the pain vibrated and penetrated through my back. I was shaken up and already in shock. I was also reeling with anger in my mind because that shithead hit us. 

We had to drive further down to another exit to get his contact information. I heard him telling my aunt, "I saw an opening and you didn't take it." Seriously?! How the fuck could he see an opening, when there were 2 cars ahead of us and more passing by, when he was behind us? That's 100% absolute bullshit. 

Then, my aunt wrote down his information and continued to drive me to work. I toughed it out Tuesday. My back was a little sore. 

As the day progressed, my back started hurting more. Once I got off from work, my aunt drove me to the walk-in clinic. The doctor said my neck and back have tension in them, which is fairly normal after being rear ended. I was diagnosed with a sprain in my lumbar region (a.k.a. "whiplash") and prescribed me some Robaxin for a muscle relaxant.

What Are My Thoughts About The 2013 MTV VMA's?

This blog was originally published on Blogster August 29, 2013.

How's it going my hybrid Blogsterians? I would've published a blog earlier this week, but a lot has happened. On Sunday night, I watched the 2013 MTV VMA's. 

Sunday night's VMA's wasn't all that spectacular but compared to last year's, it was an improvement. I mostly waited to see Justin Timberlake accept his MTV Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award and to see if N'Sync would appear. 

In fact, I read online Tuesday, that the viewership for this year's MTV VMA's went up 66% compared to last year's disaster. Most viewers were like me. We wanted to see, if N'Sync would appear for a mini-reunion. There were rumors saying they would and wouldn't, and N'Sync contributed to those rumors. 

Not that I was seriously fangirling over it, but I will admit I did enjoy listening to some of their songs, as a teenager in the late '90s. Honestly, Justin Timberlake's performance felt more like a 20-minute concert performance. I definitely wanted to see my Jared Leto. 

Jared presented Kanye West's performance for his song, "Blood On The Leaves." Originally, West was supposed to perform his BLACK supremacist song, "Black Skinhead." I still CANNOT comprehend WHY Jared Leto collaborated with Kanye West a while ago, during the making of 30 Seconds To Mars' last album. 

Well, watching Jared present Kanye West's performance at the MTV VMA's on Sunday night was hilarious. I hunted the other night to see if anybody uploaded VMA clips of it on YouTube because I wanted to share some of them on here. I'll try posting Justin Timberlake's VMA performance on Song Saturday, if I get the chance.

I mostly watched to see if Lady Gaga was going to act stupid and for Justin Timberlake's performance. Otherwise, I really did NOT care about most of the performers.

What really annoys me is that the media keeps droning on about that brat, Miley Cyrus. She purposely put on that disturbing performance with controversial intent and the media played right into her hands. 

Also, I STILL fail to comprehend WHY Robin Thicke performed "Blurred Lines" with Miley Cyrus when he already collaborated with Pharrell Williams AND  T.I. on that song. Pharrell was already at the 2013 MTV VMA's that same night and presented the nominees with Daft Punk. Therefore, it would've been a lot more logical to have Pharrell singing his own hook than Miley. 

BTW: What was up with Robin Thicke's wardrobe on Sunday night?

If any of us didn't know any better, it looked like he raided Beetlejuice's closet. Beetlejuice-Beetlejuice-Beetlejuice!   

Well, that was my instant reaction considering that I have been a Beetlejuice fan, since the time of the late '80s as a child. 

Hell, I even dressed as Lydia Deetz for my 2nd grade Halloween Costume Parade. You can thank Tim Burton for turning me into a Goth Girl at an early age. I was already a Horror fan, anyway.

Like I was saying earlier about Miley Cyrus, I found her performance disturbing. Her backup dancers wore CREEPY furries costumes, which looked like something from the Furries Fetish Sub-culture, while swirling her tongue around like some lizard. The girl looked psycho. 

Then, Miley started doing her twerking routine with her scrawny ass and grinding on Robin Thicke. Even though Miley Cyrus is 20 years old, she looks like some pre-pubescent, 12-year-old, white girl TRYING to be sexy and twerk like some black girl, in a Rap video. Miley Cyrus' performance was the MOST disturbing part about the VMA's

She originally disliked Rap. Now, she talks with a blackcent and acts ghetto. Talk about doing a 180. Either way, Miley got the negative reactions she wanted from the media and they were stupid enough to fall for her game.